๐Ÿ“ฅ Install

__version__ = (13, 0, 3) # โ–ˆ โ–ˆ โ–€ โ–ˆโ–„โ–€ โ–„โ–€โ–ˆ โ–ˆโ–€โ–ˆ โ–€ # โ–ˆโ–€โ–ˆ โ–ˆ โ–ˆ โ–ˆ โ–ˆโ–€โ–ˆ โ–ˆโ–€โ–„ โ–ˆ # ยฉ Copyright 2022 # https://t.me/hikariatama # # ๐Ÿ”’ Licensed under the GNU AGPLv3 # ๐ŸŒ https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html # meta pic: https://static.dan.tatar/hikarichat_icon.png # meta banner: https://mods.hikariatama.ru/badges/hikarichat.jpg # meta desc: Chat administrator toolkit, now with powerful free version # meta developer: @hikarimods # scope: disable_onload_docs # scope: inline # scope: hikka_only # scope: hikka_min 1.3.0 # requires: aiohttp websockets import abc import asyncio import contextlib import functools import imghdr import io import json import logging import random import re import time import typing from math import ceil from types import FunctionType import aiohttp import requests import websockets from aiogram.types import CallbackQuery, ChatPermissions from aiogram.utils.exceptions import MessageCantBeDeleted, MessageToDeleteNotFound from telethon.errors import ChatAdminRequiredError, UserAdminInvalidError from telethon.errors.rpcerrorlist import WebpageCurlFailedError from telethon.tl.functions.channels import ( EditAdminRequest, EditBannedRequest, GetFullChannelRequest, GetParticipantRequest, InviteToChannelRequest, ) from telethon.tl.functions.messages import EditChatDefaultBannedRightsRequest from telethon.tl.types import ( Channel, ChannelParticipantCreator, Chat, ChatAdminRights, ChatBannedRights, DocumentAttributeAnimated, Message, MessageEntitySpoiler, MessageMediaUnsupported, User, UserStatusOnline, ) from .. import loader, utils from ..inline.types import InlineCall, InlineMessage try: from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont except ImportError: PIL_AVAILABLE = False else: PIL_AVAILABLE = True logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) version = f"v{__version__[0]}.{__version__[1]}.{__version__[2]}stable" ver = f"<i>HikariChat {version}</i>" FLOOD_TIMEOUT = 0.8 FLOOD_TRESHOLD = 4 PROTECTS = { "antinsfw": "๐Ÿ”ž AntiNSFW", "antiarab": "๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡ธ AntiArab", "antitagall": "๐Ÿต AntiTagAll", "antihelp": "๐Ÿบ AntiHelp", "antiflood": "โฑ AntiFlood", "antichannel": "๐Ÿ“ฏ AntiChannel", "antispoiler": "๐Ÿ‘ป AntiSpoiler", "report": "๐Ÿ“ฃ Report", "antiexplicit": "๐Ÿคฌ AntiExplicit", "antiservice": "โš™๏ธ AntiService", "antigif": "๐ŸŽ‘ AntiGIF", "antizalgo": "๐ŸŒ€ AntiZALGO", "antistick": "๐ŸŽจ AntiStick", "antilagsticks": "โšฐ๏ธ AntiLagSticks", "cas": "๐Ÿ›ก CAS", "bnd": "๐Ÿ’ฌ BND", "antiraid": "๐Ÿšช AntiRaid", "banninja": "๐Ÿฅท BanNinja", "welcome": "๐Ÿ‘‹ Welcome", "captcha": "๐Ÿšฅ Captcha", } def fit(line: str, max_size: int) -> str: if len(line) >= max_size: return line offsets_sum = max_size - len(line) return f"{' ' * ceil(offsets_sum / 2 - 1)}{line}{' ' * int(offsets_sum / 2 - 1)}" def gen_table(t: typing.List[typing.List[str]]) -> bytes: table = "" header = t[0] rows_sizes = [len(i) + 2 for i in header] for row in t[1:]: rows_sizes = [max(len(j) + 2, rows_sizes[i]) for i, j in enumerate(row)] rows_lines = ["โ”" * i for i in rows_sizes] table += f"โ”{('โ”ฏ'.join(rows_lines))}โ”“\n" for line in t: table += ( f"โ”ƒโฃโฃ {' โ”ƒโฃโฃ '.join([fit(row, rows_sizes[k]) for k, row in enumerate(line)])} โ”ƒโฃโฃ\n" ) table += "โ” " for row in rows_sizes: table += f"{'โ”€' * row}โ”ผ" table = table[:-1] + "โ”ซ\n" return "\n".join(table.splitlines()[:-1]) + "\n" + f"โ”—{('โ”ท'.join(rows_lines))}โ”›\n" def get_first_name(user: typing.Union[User, Channel]) -> str: """Returns first name of user or channel title""" return utils.escape_html( user.first_name if isinstance(user, User) else user.title ).strip() def get_full_name(user: typing.Union[User, Channel]) -> str: return utils.escape_html( user.title if isinstance(user, Channel) else ( f"{user.first_name} " + (user.last_name if getattr(user, "last_name", False) else "") ) ).strip() BANNED_RIGHTS = { "view_messages": False, "send_messages": False, "send_media": False, "send_stickers": False, "send_gifs": False, "send_games": False, "send_inline": False, "send_polls": False, "change_info": False, "invite_users": False, } class HikariChatAPI: def __init__(self): self._bot = "@hikka_userbot" self._queue = [] self.feds = {} self.chats = {} self.variables = {} self.init_done = asyncio.Event() self._show_warning = True self._connected = False self._inited = False self._local = False async def init( self, client: "CustomTelegramClient", # type: ignore db: "Database", # type: ignore module: loader.Module, ): """Entry point""" self._client = client self._db = db self.module = module if not self.module.get("token"): await self._get_token() self._task = asyncio.ensure_future(self._connect()) await self.init_done.wait() async def _wss(self): async with websockets.connect( f"wss://hikarichat.hikariatama.ru/ws/{self.module.get('token')}" ) as wss: init = json.loads(await wss.recv()) logger.debug(f"HikariChat connection debug info {init}") if init["event"] == "startup": self.variables = init["variables"] elif init["event"] == "license_violation": await wss.close() raise Exception("local") self.init_done.set() logger.debug("HikariChat connected") self._show_warning = True self._connected = True self._inited = True while True: ans = json.loads(await wss.recv()) if ans["event"] == "update_info": self.chats = ans["chats"] self.feds = ans["feds"] await wss.send(json.dumps({"ok": True, "queue": self._queue})) self._queue = [] for chat in self.chats: if str(chat) not in self.module._linked_channels: channel = ( await self._client(GetFullChannelRequest(int(chat))) ).full_chat.linked_chat_id self.module._linked_channels[str(chat)] = channel or False if ans["event"] == "queue_status": await self._client.edit_message( ans["chat_id"], ans["message_id"], ans["text"], ) async def _connect(self): while True: try: await self._wss() except Exception: logger.debug("HikariChat disconnection traceback", exc_info=True) if not self._inited: self._local = True self.variables = json.loads( ( await utils.run_sync( requests.get, "https://gist.githubusercontent.com/hikariatama/31a8246c9c6ad0b451324969d6ff2940/raw/608509efd7fee6fa876227e1c8c3c7dc0a952892/variables.json", ) ).text ) self._feds = self.module.get("feds", {}) delattr(self, "feds") self.chats = self.module.get("chats", {}) self._processor_task = asyncio.ensure_future( self._queue_processor() ) self.init_done.set() self._task.cancel() return self._connected = False if self._show_warning: logger.debug("HikariChat disconnected, retry in 5 sec") self._show_warning = False await asyncio.sleep(5) def request(self, payload: dict, message: typing.Optional[Message] = None): if isinstance(message, Message): payload = { **payload, **{ "chat_id": utils.get_chat_id(message), "message_id": message.id, }, } self._queue += [payload] def should_protect(self, chat_id: typing.Union[str, int], protection: str) -> bool: return ( str(chat_id) in self.chats and protection in self.chats[str(chat_id)] and str(self.chats[str(chat_id)][protection][1]) == str(self.module._tg_id) ) async def nsfw(self, photo: bytes) -> str: if not self.module.get("token"): logger.warning("Token is not sent, NSFW check forbidden") return "sfw" async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: async with session.request( "POST", "https://hikarichat.hikariatama.ru/check_nsfw", headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {self.module.get('token')}"}, data={"file": photo}, ) as resp: r = await resp.text() try: r = json.loads(r) except Exception: logger.exception("Failed to check NSFW") return "sfw" if "error" in r and "Rate limit" in r["error"]: logger.warning("NSFW checker ratelimit exceeded") return "sfw" if "success" not in r: logger.error(f"API error {json.dumps(r, indent=4)}") return "sfw" return r["verdict"] async def _get_token(self): async with self._client.conversation(self._bot) as conv: m = await conv.send_message("/token") r = await conv.get_response() token = r.raw_text await m.delete() await r.delete() if not token.startswith("kirito_") and not token.startswith("asuna_"): raise loader.LoadError("Can't get token") self.module.set("token", token) await self._client.delete_dialog(self._bot) def __getattr__(self, attribute: str): if self._local and attribute == "feds": return {fed["shortname"]: fed for fed in self._feds.values()} raise AttributeError async def _queue_processor(self): while True: if not self._queue: await asyncio.sleep(1) continue ERROR = ( "<emoji document_id=5300759756669984376>๐Ÿšซ</emoji> <b>API Error:" " </b><code>{}</code>" ) async def assert_arguments(args: set, item: dict) -> bool: if any(i not in item.get("args", {}) for i in args): if "chat_id" in item: await self._client.edit_message( item["chat_id"], item["message_id"], ( "<emoji document_id=5300759756669984376>๐Ÿšซ</emoji>" " <b>Bad API arguments, PROKAZNIK!</b>" ), ) return False return True async def error(msg: str, item: dict): if "chat_id" in item: await self._client.edit_message( item["chat_id"], item["message_id"], ERROR.format(msg), ) feds_copy = self._feds.copy() chats_copy = self.chats.copy() item = self._queue.pop(0) u = str(self._client._tg_id) if item["action"] == "create federation": if not await assert_arguments({"shortname", "name"}, item): continue t = "fed_" + "".join( [ random.choice(list("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwyz1234567890")) for _ in range(32) ] ) self._feds[t] = { "shortname": item["args"]["shortname"], "name": item["args"]["name"], "chats": [], "warns": {}, "admins": [u], "owner": u, "fdef": [], "notes": {}, "uid": t, } if item["action"] == "add chat to federation": if not await assert_arguments({"uid", "cid"}, item): continue if item["args"]["uid"] not in self._feds: await error("Federation doesn't exist", item) continue if str(item["args"]["cid"]) in self._feds[item["args"]["uid"]]["chats"]: await error("Chat is already in this federation", item) continue self._feds[item["args"]["uid"]]["chats"] += [str(item["args"]["cid"])] if item["action"] == "remove chat from federation": if not await assert_arguments({"uid", "cid"}, item): continue if item["args"]["uid"] not in self._feds: await error("Federation doesn't exist", item) continue if ( str(item["args"]["cid"]) not in self._feds[item["args"]["uid"]]["chats"] ): await error("Chat is not in this federation", item) continue self._feds[item["args"]["uid"]]["chats"].remove( str(item["args"]["cid"]) ) if item["action"] == "update protections": if not await assert_arguments({"protection", "state", "chat"}, item): continue chat, protection, state = ( str(item["args"]["chat"]), item["args"]["protection"], item["args"]["state"], ) if protection not in self.variables["protections"] + ["welcome"]: await error("Unknown protection type", item) continue if ( protection in self.variables["argumented_protects"] and state not in self.variables["protect_actions"] or protection not in self.variables["argumented_protects"] and protection in self.variables["protections"] and state not in {"on", "off"} ): await error("Protection state invalid", item) continue if chat not in self.chats: self.chats[chat] = {} if state == "off": if protection in self.chats[chat]: del self.chats[chat][protection] else: self.chats[chat][protection] = [state, u] if item["action"] == "delete federation": if not await assert_arguments({"uid"}, item): continue uid = item["args"]["uid"] if uid not in self._feds: await error("Federation doesn't exist", item) continue del self._feds[uid] if item["action"] == "rename federation": if not await assert_arguments({"uid", "name"}, item): continue uid, name = item["args"]["uid"], item["args"]["name"] if uid not in self._feds: await error("Federation doesn't exist", item) continue self._feds[uid]["name"] = name if item["action"] == "protect user": if not await assert_arguments({"uid", "user"}, item): continue uid, user = item["args"]["uid"], item["args"]["user"] user = str(user) if not user.isdigit(): await error("Unexpected format for user", item) continue if uid not in self._feds: await error("Federation doesn't exist", item) continue if user in self._feds[uid]["fdef"]: self._feds[uid]["fdef"].remove(user) else: self._feds[uid]["fdef"] += [user] if item["action"] == "warn user": if not await assert_arguments({"uid", "user", "reason"}, item): continue uid, user, reason = ( item["args"]["uid"], item["args"]["user"], item["args"]["reason"], ) user = str(user) if not user.isdigit(): await error("Unexpected format for user", item) continue if uid not in self._feds: await error("Federation doesn't exist", item) continue if user not in self._feds[uid]["warns"]: self._feds[uid]["warns"][user] = [] self._feds[uid]["warns"][user] += [reason] if item["action"] == "forgive user warn": if not await assert_arguments({"uid", "user"}, item): continue uid, user = item["args"]["uid"], item["args"]["user"] user = str(user) if not user.isdigit(): await error("Unexpected format for user", item) continue if uid not in self._feds: await error("Federation doesn't exist", item) continue if ( user not in self._feds[uid]["warns"] or not self._feds[uid]["warns"][user] ): await error("This user has no warns yet", item) continue del self._feds[uid]["warns"][user][-1] if item["action"] == "clear all user warns": if not await assert_arguments({"uid", "user"}, item): continue uid, user = item["args"]["uid"], item["args"]["user"] user = str(user) if not user.isdigit(): if not item["args"].get("silent", False): await error("Unexpected format for user", item) continue if uid not in self._feds: if not item["args"].get("silent", False): await error("Federation doesn't exist", item) continue if not self._feds[uid].get("warns", {}).get(user): if not item["args"].get("silent", False): await error("This user has no warns yet", item) continue del self._feds[uid]["warns"][user] if item["action"] == "clear federation warns": if not await assert_arguments({"uid"}, item): continue uid = item["args"]["uid"] if uid not in self._feds: await error("Federation doesn't exist", item) continue if not self._feds[uid].get("warns"): await error("This federation has no warns yet", item) continue del self._feds[uid]["warns"] if item["action"] == "new note": if not await assert_arguments({"uid", "shortname", "note"}, item): continue uid, shortname, note = ( item["args"]["uid"], item["args"]["shortname"], item["args"]["note"], ) if uid not in self._feds: await error("Federation doesn't exist", item) continue self._feds[uid]["notes"][shortname] = {"creator": u, "text": note} if item["action"] == "delete note": if not await assert_arguments({"uid", "shortname"}, item): continue uid, shortname = item["args"]["uid"], item["args"]["shortname"] if uid not in self._feds: await error("Federation doesn't exist", item) continue if shortname not in self._feds[uid]["notes"]: await error(f"Note not found ({uid=}, {shortname=})", item) continue del self._feds[uid]["notes"][shortname] if feds_copy != self._feds: self.module.set("feds", self._feds) if chats_copy != self.chats: self.module.set("chats", self.chats) api = HikariChatAPI() def reverse_dict(d: dict) -> dict: return {val: key for key, val in d.items()} @loader.tds class HikariChatMod(loader.Module): """ Advanced chat admin toolkit """ __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta strings = { "name": "HikariChat", "args": ( "<emoji document_id=5300759756669984376>๐Ÿšซ</emoji> <b>Args are" " incorrect</b>" ), "no_reason": "Not specified", "antitagall_on": ( "<emoji document_id=5785175271011259591>๐Ÿต</emoji> <b>AntiTagAll is now on" " in this chat\nAction: {}</b>" ), "antitagall_off": ( "<emoji document_id=5785175271011259591>๐Ÿต</emoji> <b>AntiTagAll is now off" " in this chat</b>" ), "antiarab_on": ( "<emoji document_id=6323257144745395640>๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡ธ</emoji> <b>AntiArab is now on in" " this chat\nAction: {}</b>" ), "antiarab_off": ( "<emoji document_id=6323257144745395640>๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡ธ</emoji> <b>AntiArab is now off" " in this chat</b>" ), "antilagsticks_on": ( "<emoji document_id=5469654973308476699>๐Ÿ’ฃ</emoji> <b>Destructive stickers" " protection is now on in this chat</b>" ), "antilagsticks_off": ( "<emoji document_id=5469654973308476699>๐Ÿ’ฃ</emoji> <b>Destructive stickers" " protection is now off in this chat</b>" ), "antizalgo_on": ( "<emoji document_id=5213293263083018856>๐ŸŒ€</emoji> <b>AntiZALGO is now" " on in" " this chat\nAction: {}</b>" ), "antizalgo_off": ( "<emoji document_id=5213293263083018856>๐ŸŒ€</emoji> <b>AntiZALGO is now off" " in this chat</b>" ), "antistick_on": ( "<emoji document_id=5431456208487716895>๐ŸŽจ</emoji> <b>AntiStick is now" " on in" " this chat\nAction: {}</b>" ), "antistick_off": ( "<emoji document_id=5431456208487716895>๐ŸŽจ</emoji> <b>AntiStick is now off" " in this chat</b>" ), "antihelp_on": ( "<emoji document_id=5467759840463953770>๐Ÿบ</emoji> <b>AntiHelp is now on in" " this chat</b>" ), "antihelp_off": ( "<emoji document_id=5467759840463953770>๐Ÿบ</emoji> <b>AntiHelp is now" " off in" " this chat</b>" ), "antiraid_on": ( "<emoji document_id=6334359218593728345><emoji" " document_id=6037460928423791421>๐Ÿšช</emoji></emoji> <b>AntiRaid is now on" " in this chat\nAction: {}</b>" ), "antiraid_off": ( "<emoji document_id=6334359218593728345><emoji" " document_id=6037460928423791421>๐Ÿšช</emoji></emoji> <b>AntiRaid is now off" " in this chat</b>" ), "bnd_on": ( "<emoji document_id=5465300082628763143>๐Ÿ’ฌ</emoji> <b>Block-Non-Discussion" " is now on in this chat\nAction: {}</b>" ), "bnd_off": ( "<emoji document_id=5465300082628763143>๐Ÿ’ฌ</emoji> <b>Block-Non-Discussion" " is now off in this chat</b>" ), "antiraid": ( "<emoji document_id=6334359218593728345><emoji" " document_id=6037460928423791421>๐Ÿšช</emoji></emoji> <b>AntiRaid is On." " I {}" ' <a href="{}">{}</a> in chat {}</b>' ), "antichannel_on": ( "<emoji document_id=5470094069289984325>๐Ÿ“ฏ</emoji> <b>AntiChannel is now on" " in this chat</b>" ), "antichannel_off": ( "<emoji document_id=5470094069289984325>๐Ÿ“ฏ</emoji> <b>AntiChannel is" " now off" " in this chat</b>" ), "report_on": ( "<emoji document_id=5213203794619277246>๐Ÿ“ฃ</emoji> <b>Report is now on in" " this chat</b>" ), "report_off": ( "<emoji document_id=5213203794619277246>๐Ÿ“ฃ</emoji> <b>Report is now off in" " this chat</b>" ), "antiflood_on": ( "<emoji document_id=5384611567125928766>โฑ</emoji> <b>AntiFlood is now on in" " this chat\nAction: {}</b>" ), "antiflood_off": ( "<emoji document_id=5384611567125928766>โฑ</emoji> <b>AntiFlood is now off" " in this chat</b>" ), "antispoiler_on": ( "<emoji document_id=5798648862591684122>๐Ÿ‘ป</emoji> <b>AntiSpoiler is now on" " in this chat</b>" ), "antispoiler_off": ( "<emoji document_id=5798648862591684122>๐Ÿ‘ป</emoji> <b>AntiSpoiler is" " now off" " in this chat</b>" ), "antigif_on": ( "<emoji document_id=6048825205730577727>๐ŸŽ‘</emoji> <b>AntiGIF is now on in" " this chat</b>" ), "antigif_off": ( "<emoji document_id=6048825205730577727>๐ŸŽ‘</emoji> <b>AntiGIF is now off in" " this chat</b>" ), "antiservice_on": ( "<emoji document_id=5787237370709413702>โš™๏ธ</emoji> <b>AntiService is now on" " in this chat</b>" ), "antiservice_off": ( "<emoji document_id=5787237370709413702>โš™๏ธ</emoji> <b>AntiService is now" " off in this chat</b>" ), "banninja_on": ( "<emoji document_id=6323575131239089635>๐Ÿฅท</emoji> <b>BanNinja is now on in" " this chat</b>" ), "banninja_off": ( "<emoji document_id=6323575131239089635>๐Ÿฅท</emoji> <b>BanNinja is now" " off in" " this chat</b>" ), "antiexplicit_on": ( "<emoji document_id=5373123633415723713>๐Ÿคฌ</emoji> <b>AntiExplicit is" " now on" " in this chat\nAction: {}</b>" ), "antiexplicit_off": ( "<emoji document_id=5373123633415723713>๐Ÿคฌ</emoji> <b>AntiExplicit is now" " off in this chat</b>" ), "captcha_on": ( "<emoji document_id=5213107179329953547>๐Ÿšฅ</emoji> <b>Captcha is now on in" " this chat\nAction: {}</b>" ), "captcha_off": ( "<emoji document_id=5213107179329953547>๐Ÿšฅ</emoji> <b>Captcha is now off in" " this chat</b>" ), "cas_on": ( "<emoji document_id=5300855732009180995>๐Ÿ›ก</emoji> <b>CAS is now on in this" " chat\nAction: {}</b>" ), "cas_off": ( "<emoji document_id=5300855732009180995>๐Ÿ›ก</emoji> <b>CAS is now off in this" " chat</b>" ), "antinsfw_on": ( "<emoji document_id=4976982981341086273>๐Ÿ”ž</emoji> <b>AntiNSFW is now on in" " this chat\nAction: {}</b>" ), "antinsfw_off": ( "<emoji document_id=4976982981341086273>๐Ÿ”ž</emoji> <b>AntiNSFW is now" " off in" " this chat</b>" ), "arabic_nickname": ( '<emoji document_id=6323257144745395640>๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡ธ</emoji> <b><a href="{}">{}</a>' " has hieroglyphics in his nickname.\n๐Ÿ‘Š Action: I {}</b>" ), "zalgo": ( '<emoji document_id=5213293263083018856>๐ŸŒ€</emoji> <b><a href="{}">{}</a>' " has ZALGO in his nickname.\n๐Ÿ‘Š Action: I {}</b>" ), "bnd": ( '<emoji document_id=5465300082628763143>๐Ÿ’ฌ</emoji> <b><a href="{}">{}</a>' " sent a message to channel comments without being chat member.\n๐Ÿ‘Š Action:" " I {}</b>" ), "cas": ( '<emoji document_id=5300855732009180995>๐Ÿ›ก</emoji> <b><a href="{}">{}</a>' " appears to be in Combat Anti Spam database.\n๐Ÿ‘Š Action: I {}</b>" ), "stick": ( "<emoji document_id=5431456208487716895>๐ŸŽจ</emoji> <b><a" ' href="{}">{}</a> is' " flooding stickers.\n๐Ÿ‘Š Action: I {}</b>" ), "explicit": ( '<emoji document_id=5373123633415723713>๐Ÿคฌ</emoji> <b><a href="{}">{}</a>' " sent explicit content.\n๐Ÿ‘Š Action: I {}</b>" ), "destructive_stick": ( '<emoji document_id=5300759756669984376>๐Ÿšซ</emoji> <b><a href="{}">{}</a>' " sent destructive sticker.\n๐Ÿ‘Š Action: I {}</b>" ), "nsfw_content": ( '<emoji document_id=4976982981341086273>๐Ÿ”ž</emoji> <b><a href="{}">{}</a>' " sent NSFW content.\n๐Ÿ‘Š Action: I {}</b>" ), "flood": ( '<emoji document_id=5384611567125928766>โฑ</emoji> <b><a href="{}">{}</a> is' " flooding.\n๐Ÿ‘Š Action: I {}</b>" ), "tagall": ( '<emoji document_id=5785175271011259591>๐Ÿต</emoji> <b><a href="{}">{}</a>' " used TagAll.\n๐Ÿ‘Š Action: I {}</b>" ), "fwarn": ( "<emoji document_id=5193091781327068499>๐Ÿ‘ฎโ€โ™€๏ธ</emoji><emoji" ' document_id=5773781976905421370>๐Ÿ’ผ</emoji> <b><a href="{}">{}</a></b> got' " {}/{} federative warn\nReason: <b>{}</b>\n\n{}" ), "no_fed_warns": ( "<emoji document_id=5193091781327068499>๐Ÿ‘ฎโ€โ™€๏ธ</emoji> <b>This federation has" " no warns yet</b>" ), "no_warns": ( '<emoji document_id=5193091781327068499>๐Ÿ‘ฎโ€โ™€๏ธ</emoji> <b><a href="{}">{}</a>' " has no warns yet</b>" ), "warns": ( '<emoji document_id=5193091781327068499>๐Ÿ‘ฎโ€โ™€๏ธ</emoji> <b><a href="{}">{}</a>' " has {}/{} warns</b>\n\n<i>{}</i>" ), "warns_adm_fed": ( "<emoji document_id=5193091781327068499>๐Ÿ‘ฎโ€โ™€๏ธ</emoji> <b>Warns in this" " federation</b>:\n" ), "dwarn_fed": ( "<emoji document_id=5193091781327068499>๐Ÿ‘ฎโ€โ™€๏ธ</emoji> <b>Forgave last" ' federative warn of <a href="tg://user?id={}">{}</a></b>' ), "clrwarns_fed": ( "<emoji document_id=5193091781327068499>๐Ÿ‘ฎโ€โ™€๏ธ</emoji> <b>Forgave all" ' federative warns of <a href="tg://user?id={}">{}</a></b>' ), "warns_limit": ( '<emoji document_id=5193091781327068499>๐Ÿ‘ฎโ€โ™€๏ธ</emoji> <b><a href="{}">{}</a>' " reached warns limit.\nAction: I {}</b>" ), "welcome": ( "<emoji document_id=5472055112702629499>๐Ÿ‘‹</emoji> <b>Now I will greet" " people in this chat</b>\n{}" ), "unwelcome": ( "<emoji document_id=5472055112702629499>๐Ÿ‘‹</emoji> <b>Now I will not greet" " people in this chat</b>" ), "chat404": "๐Ÿ”“ <b>I am not protecting this chat yet.</b>\n", "protections": ( "<b><emoji document_id=6323257144745395640>๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡ธ</emoji>" " <code>.AntiArab</code> - Bans spammy arabs\n<b><emoji" " document_id=5467759840463953770>๐Ÿบ</emoji> <code>.AntiHelp</code> -" " Removes frequent userbot commands\n<b><emoji" " document_id=5785175271011259591>๐Ÿต</emoji> <code>.AntiTagAll</code> -" " Restricts tagging all members\n<b><emoji" " document_id=5472055112702629499>๐Ÿ‘‹</emoji> <code>.Welcome</code> - Greets" " new members\n<b><emoji document_id=6334359218593728345><emoji" " document_id=6037460928423791421>๐Ÿšช</emoji></emoji> <code>.AntiRaid</code>" " - Bans all new members\n<b><emoji" " document_id=5470094069289984325>๐Ÿ“ฏ</emoji> <code>.AntiChannel</code> -" " Restricts writing on behalf of channels\n<b><emoji" " document_id=5798648862591684122>๐Ÿ‘ป</emoji> <code>.AntiSpoiler</code> -" " Restricts spoilers\n<b><emoji document_id=6048825205730577727>๐ŸŽ‘</emoji>" " <code>.AntiGIF</code> - Restricts GIFs\n<b>๐Ÿ“ <code>.AntiNSFW</code> -" " Restricts NSFW photos and stickers\n<b><emoji" " document_id=5384611567125928766>โฑ</emoji> <code>.AntiFlood</code> -" " Prevents flooding\n<b><emoji document_id=5373123633415723713>๐Ÿคฌ</emoji>" " <code>.AntiExplicit</code> - Restricts explicit content\n<b><emoji" " document_id=5787237370709413702>โš™๏ธ</emoji> <code>.AntiService</code> -" " Removes service messages\n<b><emoji" " document_id=5213293263083018856>๐ŸŒ€</emoji> <code>.AntiZALGO</code> -" " Penalty for users with ZALGO in nickname\n<b><emoji" " document_id=5431456208487716895>๐ŸŽจ</emoji> <code>.AntiStick</code> -" " Prevents stickers flood\n<b><emoji" " document_id=5213107179329953547>๐Ÿšฅ</emoji> <code>.Captcha</code> -" " Requires every new participant to complete captcha\n<b><emoji" " document_id=5215470334760721739>๐Ÿ›ก</emoji> <code>.CAS</code> - Check every" " new participant through Combat Anti Spam\n<b><emoji" " document_id=5465300082628763143>๐Ÿ’ฌ</emoji> <code>.BND</code> - Restricts" " messages from users, which are not a participants of chat" " (comments)\n<b><emoji document_id=6323575131239089635>๐Ÿฅท</emoji>" " <code>.BanNinja</code> - Automatic version of AntiRaid\n<b>โšฐ๏ธ" " <code>.AntiLagSticks</code> - Bans laggy stickers\n<b>๐Ÿ‘พ Admin:" " </b><code>.ban</code> <code>.kick</code>" " <code>.mute</code>\n<code>.unban</code> <code>.unmute</code> <b>- Admin" " tools</b>\n<b><emoji document_id=5193091781327068499>๐Ÿ‘ฎโ€โ™€๏ธ</emoji>" " Warns:</b> <code>.warn</code> <code>.warns</code>\n<code>.dwarn</code>" " <code>.clrwarns</code> <b>- Warning system</b>\n<b><emoji" " document_id=5773781976905421370>๐Ÿ’ผ</emoji> Federations:</b>" " <code>.fadd</code> <code>.frm</code>" " <code>.newfed</code>\n<code>.namefed</code> <code>.fban</code>" " <code>.rmfed</code> <code>.feds</code>\n<code>.fpromote</code>" " <code>.fdemote</code>\n<code>.fdef</code> <code>.fdeflist</code> <b>-" " Controlling multiple chats</b>\n<b>๐Ÿ—’ Notes:</b> <code>.fsave</code>" " <code>.fstop</code> <code>.fnotes</code> <b>- Federative notes</b>" ), "not_admin": "๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ <b>I'm not admin here, or don't have enough rights</b>", "mute": ( '<emoji document_id=5372800046284674872>๐Ÿค</emoji> <b><a href="{}">{}</a>' " was muted {}. Reason: </b><i>{}</i>\n\n{}" ), "mute_log": ( '<emoji document_id=5372800046284674872>๐Ÿค</emoji> <b><a href="{}">{}</a>' ' was muted {} in <a href="{}">{}</a>. Reason: </b><i>{}</i>\n\n{}' ), "ban": ( '<emoji document_id=5247152118069992250>๐Ÿ”’</emoji> <b><a href="{}">{}</a>' " was banned {}. Reason: </b><i>{}</i>\n\n{}" ), "ban_log": ( '<emoji document_id=5247152118069992250>๐Ÿ”’</emoji> <b><a href="{}">{}</a>' ' was banned {} in <a href="{}">{}</a>. Reason: </b><i>{}</i>\n\n{}' ), "kick": ( '<emoji document_id=6037460928423791421>๐Ÿšช</emoji> <b><a href="{}">{}</a>' " was kicked. Reason: </b><i>{}</i>\n\n{}" ), "kick_log": ( '<emoji document_id=6037460928423791421>๐Ÿšช</emoji> <b><a href="{}">{}</a>' ' was kicked in <a href="{}">{}</a>. Reason: </b><i>{}</i>\n\n{}' ), "unmuted": ( '<emoji document_id=5436040291507247633>๐ŸŽ‰</emoji> <b><a href="{}">{}</a>' " was unmuted</b>" ), "unmuted_log": ( '<emoji document_id=5436040291507247633>๐ŸŽ‰</emoji> <b><a href="{}">{}</a>' ' was unmuted in <a href="{}">{}</a></b>' ), "unban": ( '<emoji document_id=5469791106591890404>๐Ÿช„</emoji> <b><a href="{}">{}</a>' " was unbanned</b>" ), "unban_log": ( '<emoji document_id=5469791106591890404>๐Ÿช„</emoji> <b><a href="{}">{}</a>' ' was unbanned in <a href="{}">{}</a></b>' ), "defense": ( "<emoji document_id=5300855732009180995>๐Ÿ›ก</emoji> <b>Shield for <a" ' href="{}">{}</a> is now {}</b>' ), "no_defense": ( "<emoji document_id=5300855732009180995>๐Ÿ›ก</emoji> <b>Federative defense" " list is empty</b>" ), "defense_list": ( "<emoji document_id=5300855732009180995>๐Ÿ›ก</emoji> <b>Federative defense" " list:</b>\n{}" ), "fadded": ( "<emoji document_id=5773781976905421370>๐Ÿ’ผ</emoji> <b>Current chat added to" ' federation "{}"</b>' ), "newfed": ( "<emoji document_id=5773781976905421370>๐Ÿ’ผ</emoji> <b>Created federation" ' "{}"</b>' ), "rmfed": ( "<emoji document_id=5773781976905421370>๐Ÿ’ผ</emoji> <b>Removed federation" ' "{}"</b>' ), "fed404": ( "<emoji document_id=5773781976905421370>๐Ÿ’ผ</emoji> <b>Federation not" " found</b>" ), "frem": ( "<emoji document_id=5773781976905421370>๐Ÿ’ผ</emoji> <b>Current chat removed" ' from federation "{}"</b>' ), "f404": ( "<emoji document_id=5773781976905421370>๐Ÿ’ผ</emoji> <b>Current chat is" " not in" ' federation "{}"</b>' ), "fexists": ( "<emoji document_id=5773781976905421370>๐Ÿ’ผ</emoji> <b>Current chat is" ' already in federation "{}"</b>' ), "fedexists": ( "<emoji document_id=5773781976905421370>๐Ÿ’ผ</emoji> <b>Federation exists</b>" ), "joinfed": ( "<emoji document_id=5773781976905421370>๐Ÿ’ผ</emoji> <b>Federation joined</b>" ), "namedfed": ( "<emoji document_id=5773781976905421370>๐Ÿ’ผ</emoji> <b>Federation renamed to" " {}</b>" ), "nofed": ( "<emoji document_id=5773781976905421370>๐Ÿ’ผ</emoji> <b>Current chat is" " not in" " any federation</b>" ), "fban": ( '<emoji document_id=5773781976905421370>๐Ÿ’ผ</emoji> <b><a href="{}">{}</a>' " was banned in federation {} {}\nReason: </b><i>{}</i>\n{}" ), "gban": ( '<emoji document_id=5301059317753979286>๐Ÿ–•</emoji> <b><a href="{}">{}</a>' " was gbanned.</b>\n<b>Reason: </b><i>{}</i>\n\n{}" ), "gbanning": ( "<emoji document_id=5301059317753979286>๐Ÿ–•</emoji> <b>Gbanning <a" ' href="{}">{}</a>...</b>' ), "gunban": ( '<emoji document_id=6334872157947955302>๐Ÿค—</emoji> <b><a href="{}">{}</a>' " was gunbanned.</b>\n\n{}" ), "gunbanning": ( "<emoji document_id=6334872157947955302>๐Ÿค—</emoji> <b>Gunbanning <a" ' href="{}">{}</a>...</b>' ), "in_n_chats": ( "<emoji document_id=5379568936218009290>๐Ÿ‘Ž</emoji> <b>Banned in {}" " chat(-s)</b>" ), "unbanned_in_n_chats": ( "<emoji document_id=5461129450341014019>โœ‹๏ธ</emoji> <b>Unbanned in {}" " chat(-s)</b>" ), "fmute": ( '<emoji document_id=5773781976905421370>๐Ÿ’ผ</emoji> <b><a href="{}">{}</a>' " muted in federation {} {}\nReason: </b><i>{}</i>\n{}" ), "funban": ( '<emoji document_id=5773781976905421370>๐Ÿ’ผ</emoji> <b><a href="{}">{}</a>' " unbanned in federation </b><i>{}</i>\n" ), "funmute": ( '<emoji document_id=5773781976905421370>๐Ÿ’ผ</emoji> <b><a href="{}">{}</a>' " unmuted in federation </b><i>{}</i>\n" ), "feds_header": ( "<emoji document_id=5773781976905421370>๐Ÿ’ผ</emoji> <b>Federations:</b>\n\n" ), "fed": ( '<emoji document_id=5773781976905421370>๐Ÿ’ผ</emoji> <b>Federation "{}"' " info:</b>\n๐Ÿ”ฐ <b>Chats:</b>\n<b>{}</b>\n๐Ÿ”ฐ <b>Channels:</b>\n<b>{}</b>\n๐Ÿ”ฐ" " <b>Admins:</b>\n<b>{}</b>\n๐Ÿ”ฐ <b>Warns: {}</b>\n" ), "no_fed": ( "<emoji document_id=5773781976905421370>๐Ÿ’ผ</emoji> <b>This chat is not in" " any federation</b>" ), "fpromoted": ( '<emoji document_id=5773781976905421370>๐Ÿ’ผ</emoji> <b><a href="{}">{}</a>' " promoted in federation {}</b>" ), "fdemoted": ( '<emoji document_id=5773781976905421370>๐Ÿ’ผ</emoji> <b><a href="{}">{}</a>' " demoted in federation {}</b>" ), "api_error": ( "<emoji document_id=5300759756669984376>๐Ÿšซ</emoji> <b>api.hikariatama.ru" " Error!</b>\n<code>{}</code>" ), "fsave_args": ( "<emoji document_id=5773781976905421370>๐Ÿ’ผ</emoji> <b>Usage: .fsave" " shortname &lt;reply&gt;</b>" ), "fstop_args": ( "<emoji document_id=5773781976905421370>๐Ÿ’ผ</emoji> <b>Usage: .fstop" " shortname</b>" ), "fsave": ( "<emoji document_id=5773781976905421370>๐Ÿ’ผ</emoji> <b>Federative note" " </b><code>{}</code><b> saved!</b>" ), "fstop": ( "<emoji document_id=5773781976905421370>๐Ÿ’ผ</emoji> <b>Federative note" " </b><code>{}</code><b> removed!</b>" ), "fnotes": ( "<emoji document_id=5773781976905421370>๐Ÿ’ผ</emoji> <b>Federative" " notes:</b>\n{}" ), "usage": "โ„น๏ธ <b>Usage: .{} &lt;on/off&gt;</b>", "chat_only": "โ„น๏ธ <b>This command is for chats only</b>", "version": ( "<emoji document_id=5440551785284510215>๐ŸŽข</emoji> <b>{}</b>\n\n<emoji" " document_id=5454182070156794055>๐Ÿค˜</emoji> <b>Author:" " t.me/hikariatama</b>\n<emoji document_id=6325750691088303497>โ˜บ๏ธ</emoji>" " <b>Downloaded from @hikarimods</b>\n<b>{}</b>" ), "error": ( "<emoji document_id=6053166094816905153>๐Ÿ’€</emoji> <b>HikariChat Issued" " error</b>" ), "reported": ( '<emoji document_id=5773781976905421370>๐Ÿ’ผ</emoji> <b><a href="{}">{}</a>' " reported this message to admins\nReason: </b><i>{}</i>" ), "no_federations": ( "<emoji document_id=5773781976905421370>๐Ÿ’ผ</emoji> <b>You have no active" " federations</b>" ), "clrallwarns_fed": ( "<emoji document_id=5193091781327068499>๐Ÿ‘ฎโ€โ™€๏ธ</emoji> <b>Forgave all" " federative warns of federation</b>" ), "cleaning": ( "<emoji document_id=5215493819641895305>๐Ÿซฅ</emoji> <b>Looking for Deleted" " accounts...</b>" ), "deleted": ( "<emoji document_id=5215493819641895305>๐Ÿซฅ</emoji> <b>Removed {} Deleted" " accounts</b>" ), "fcleaning": ( "<emoji document_id=5215493819641895305>๐Ÿซฅ</emoji> <b>Looking for Deleted" " accounts in federation...</b>" ), "btn_unban": "๐Ÿ”“ Unban (ADM)", "btn_unmute": "๐Ÿ”ˆ Unmute (ADM)", "btn_unwarn": "โ™ป๏ธ De-Warn (ADM)", "inline_unbanned": ( '๐Ÿ”“ <b><a href="{}">{}</a> unbanned by <a href="{}">{}</a></b>' ), "inline_unmuted": ( '๐Ÿ”ˆ <b><a href="{}">{}</a> unmuted by <a href="{}">{}</a></b>' ), "inline_unwarned": ( 'โ™ป๏ธ <b>Forgave last warn of <a href="{}">{}</a> by <a href="{}">{}</a></b>' ), "inline_funbanned": ( '๐Ÿ”“ <b><a href="{}">{}</a> unbanned in federation by <a' ' href="{}">{}</a></b>' ), "inline_funmuted": ( '๐Ÿ”ˆ <b><a href="{}">{}</a> unmuted in federation by <a href="{}">{}</a></b>' ), "btn_funmute": "๐Ÿ”ˆ Fed Unmute (ADM)", "btn_funban": "๐Ÿ”“ Fed Unban (ADM)", "btn_mute": "๐Ÿ™Š Mute", "btn_ban": "๐Ÿ”’ Ban", "btn_fban": "๐Ÿ’ผ Fed Ban", "btn_del": "๐Ÿ—‘ Delete", "inline_fbanned": ( '<emoji document_id=5773781976905421370>๐Ÿ’ผ</emoji> <b><a href="{}">{}</a>' ' banned in federation by <a href="{}">{}</a></b>' ), "inline_muted": '๐Ÿ™Š <b><a href="{}">{}</a> muted by <a href="{}">{}</a></b>', "inline_banned": ( '<emoji document_id=5247152118069992250>๐Ÿ”’</emoji> <b><a href="{}">{}</a>' ' banned by <a href="{}">{}</a></b>' ), "inline_deleted": '๐Ÿ—‘ <b>Deleted by <a href="{}">{}</a></b>', "sync": "๐Ÿ”„ <b>Syncing chats and feds with server in force mode...</b>", "sync_complete": "๐Ÿ˜Œ <b>Successfully synced</b>", "rename_noargs": ( "<emoji document_id=5300759756669984376>๐Ÿšซ</emoji> <b>Specify new" " federation" " name</b>" ), "rename_success": '๐Ÿ˜‡ <b>Federation renamed to "</b><code>{}</code><b>"</b>', "suffix_removed": "๐Ÿ“ผ <b>Punishment suffix removed</b>", "suffix_updated": "๐Ÿ“ผ <b>New punishment suffix saved</b>\n\n{}", "processing_myrights": "๐Ÿ˜Œ <b>Processing chats</b>", "logchat_removed": "๐Ÿ“ฒ <b>Log chat disabled</b>", "logchat_invalid": ( "<emoji document_id=5300759756669984376>๐Ÿšซ</emoji> <b>Log chat invalid</b>" ), "logchat_set": "๐Ÿ“ฒ <b>Log chat updated to </b><code>{}</code>", "clnraid_args": ( "<emoji document_id=6323575131239089635>๐Ÿฅท</emoji> <b>Example usage:" " </b><code>.clnraid 10</code>" ), "clnraid_admin": ( "<emoji document_id=6323575131239089635>๐Ÿฅท</emoji> <b>Error occured while" " promoting cleaner. Please, ensure you have enough rights in chat</b>" ), "clnraid_started": ( "<emoji document_id=6323575131239089635>๐Ÿฅท</emoji> <b>RaidCleaner is in" " progress... Found {} users to kick...</b>" ), "clnraid_confirm": ( "<emoji document_id=6323575131239089635>๐Ÿฅท</emoji> <b>Please, confirm that" " you want to start RaidCleaner on {} users</b>" ), "clnraid_yes": "<emoji document_id=6323575131239089635>๐Ÿฅท</emoji> Start", "clnraid_cancel": "๐Ÿ”ป Cancel", "clnraid_stop": "๐Ÿšจ Stop", "clnraid_complete": ( "<emoji document_id=6323575131239089635>๐Ÿฅท</emoji> <b>RaidCleaner complete!" " Removed: {} user(-s)</b>" ), "clnraid_cancelled": ( "<emoji document_id=6323575131239089635>๐Ÿฅท</emoji> <b>RaidCleaner" " cancelled." " Removed: {} user(-s)</b>" ), "smart_anti_raid_active": ( "<emoji document_id=6323575131239089635>๐Ÿฅท</emoji> <b>BanNinja is working" " hard to prevent intrusion to this chat.</b>\n\n{}<i>Deleted {}" " bot(-s)</i>" ), "smart_anti_raid_off": "๐Ÿšจ Stop", "smart_anti_raid_stopped": ( "<emoji document_id=6323575131239089635>๐Ÿฅท</emoji> <b>BanNinja Stopped</b>" ), "banninja_report": ( "<emoji document_id=6323575131239089635>๐Ÿฅท</emoji> <b>BanNinja has done his" " job.</b>\n<i>Deleted {} bot(-s)</i>\n\n๐Ÿน <i>ยซBanNinja can handle any" " size" " of attackยป</i> ยฉ <code>@hikariatama</code>" ), "forbid_messages": ( "โš ๏ธ <b>I've forbidden sending messages until attack is fully" " released</b>\n\n" ), "confirm_rmfed": ( "โš ๏ธ <b>Warning! This operation can't be reverted! Are you sure, " "you want to delete federation </b><code>{}</code><b>?</b>" ), "confirm_rmfed_btn": "๐Ÿ—‘ Delete", "decline_rmfed_btn": "๐Ÿ”ป Cancel", "pil_unavailable": ( "<emoji document_id=5300759756669984376>๐Ÿšซ</emoji> <b>Pillow package" " unavailable</b>" ), "action": "<action>", "configure": "Configure", "toggle": "Toggle", "no_protects": ( "<emoji document_id=5300759756669984376>๐Ÿšซ</emoji> <b>This chat has no" " active protections to show</b>" ), "from_where": ( "<emoji document_id=5300759756669984376>๐Ÿšซ</emoji> <b>Reply to a message to" " purge from</b>" ), "no_notes": ( "<emoji document_id=5300759756669984376>๐Ÿšซ</emoji> <b>No notes found</b>" ), "complete_captcha": ( "<emoji document_id=5213107179329953547>๐Ÿšฅ</emoji> <b><a" ' href="tg://user?id={}">{}</a>, please, complete captcha within 5' " minutes</b>" ), "captcha_timeout": ( '<emoji document_id=5213107179329953547>๐Ÿšฅ</emoji> <b><a href="{}">{}</a>' " have not completed captcha in time.\n๐Ÿ‘Š Action: I {}</b>" ), "captcha_failed": ( '<emoji document_id=5213107179329953547>๐Ÿšฅ</emoji> <b><a href="{}">{}</a>' " failed captcha.\n๐Ÿ‘Š Action: I {}</b>" ), "fdef403": ( "<emoji document_id=5300855732009180995>๐Ÿ›ก</emoji> <b>You can't {} this" " user, because he is under federative protection</b>" ), } strings_ru = { "complete_captcha": ( "<emoji document_id=5213107179329953547>๐Ÿšฅ</emoji> <b><a" ' href="tg://user?id={}">{}</a>, ะฟะพะถะฐะปัƒะนัั‚ะฐ, ะฟั€ะพะนะดะธ ะบะฐะฟั‡ัƒ ะฒ ั‚ะตั‡ะตะฝะธะต 5' " ะผะธะฝัƒั‚</b>" ), "captcha_timeout": ( "<emoji document_id=5213107179329953547>๐Ÿšฅ</emoji> <b><a" ' href="{}">{}</a> ะฝะต' " ะฟั€ะพัˆะตะป ะบะฐะฟั‡ัƒ ะฒะพะฒั€ะตะผั.\n๐Ÿ‘Š ะ”ะตะนัั‚ะฒะธะต: {}</b>" ), "captcha_failed": ( "<emoji document_id=5213107179329953547>๐Ÿšฅ</emoji> <b><a" ' href="{}">{}</a> ะฝะต' " ะฟั€ะพัˆะตะป ะบะฐะฟั‡ัƒ.\n๐Ÿ‘Š ะ”ะตะนัั‚ะฒะธะต: {}</b>" ), "cas_on": ( "<emoji document_id=5300855732009180995>๐Ÿ›ก</emoji> <b>CAS ั‚ะตะฟะตั€ัŒ ะฒะบะปัŽั‡ะตะฝ ะฒ" " ัั‚ะพะผ ั‡ะฐั‚ะต\nะ”ะตะนัั‚ะฒะธะต: {}</b>" ), "cas_off": ( "<emoji document_id=5300855732009180995>๐Ÿ›ก</emoji> <b>CAS ั‚ะตะฟะตั€ัŒ ะฒั‹ะบะปัŽั‡ะตะฝ ะฒ" " ัั‚ะพะผ ั‡ะฐั‚ะต</b>" ), "cas": ( '<emoji document_id=5300855732009180995>๐Ÿ›ก</emoji> <b><a href="{}">{}</a>' " appears to be in Combat Anti Spam database.\n๐Ÿ‘Š Action: I {}</b>" ), "from_where": ( "<emoji document_id=5300759756669984376>๐Ÿšซ</emoji> <b>ะžั‚ะฒะตั‚ัŒ ะฝะฐ ัะพะพะฑั‰ะตะฝะธะต," " ะฝะฐั‡ะธะฝะฐั ั ะบะพั‚ะพั€ะพะณะพ ะฝะฐะดะพ ัƒะดะฐะปะธั‚ัŒ.</b>" ), "smart_anti_raid_active": ( "<emoji document_id=6323575131239089635>๐Ÿฅท</emoji> <b>BanNinja ั€ะฐะฑะพั‚ะฐะตั‚ ะฒ" " ะฟะพั‚ะต ะปะธั†ะฐ, ะพั‚ะฑะธะฒะฐั ะฐั‚ะฐะบัƒ ะฝะฐ ัั‚ะพั‚ ั‡ะฐั‚.</b>\n\n{}<i>ะฃะดะฐะปะตะฝะพ {} ะฑะพั‚(-ะพะฒ)</i>" ), "forbid_messages": ( "โš ๏ธ <b>ะฏ ะทะฐะฟั€ะตั‚ะธะป ะพั‚ะฟั€ะฐะฒะบัƒ ัะพะพะฑั‰ะตะฝะธะน, ะฟะพะบะฐ ะฐั‚ะฐะบะฐ ะฝะต ะฑัƒะดะตั‚ ะฟะพะปะฝะพัั‚ัŒัŽ" " ะพั‚ั€ะฐะถะตะฝะฐ</b>\n\n" ), "smart_anti_raid_off": "๐Ÿšจ ะžัั‚ะฐะฝะพะฒะธั‚ัŒ", "smart_anti_raid_stopped": ( "<emoji document_id=6323575131239089635>๐Ÿฅท</emoji> <b>BanNinja" " ะพัั‚ะฐะฝะพะฒะปะตะฝ</b>" ), "error": "๐Ÿ˜ต <b>ะŸั€ะพะธะทะพัˆะปะฐ ะพัˆะธะฑะบะฐ HikariChat</b>", "args": ( "<emoji document_id=5300759756669984376>๐Ÿšซ</emoji> <b>ะะตะฒะตั€ะฝั‹ะต" " ะฐั€ะณัƒะผะตะฝั‚ั‹</b>" ), "no_reason": "ะะต ัƒะบะฐะทะฐะฝะฐ", "antitagall_on": ( "<emoji document_id=5785175271011259591>๐Ÿต</emoji> <b>AntiTagAll ั‚ะตะฟะตั€ัŒ" " ะฒะบะปัŽั‡ะตะฝ ะฒ ัั‚ะพะผ ั‡ะฐั‚ะต\nะ”ะตะนัั‚ะฒะธะต: {}</b>" ), "antitagall_off": ( "<emoji document_id=5785175271011259591>๐Ÿต</emoji> <b>AntiTagAll ั‚ะตะฟะตั€ัŒ" " ะฒั‹ะบะปัŽั‡ะตะฝ ะฒ ัั‚ะพะผ ั‡ะฐั‚ะต</b>" ), "antiarab_on": ( "<emoji document_id=6323257144745395640>๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡ธ</emoji> <b>AntiArab ั‚ะตะฟะตั€ัŒ" " ะฒะบะปัŽั‡ะตะฝ ะฒ ัั‚ะพะผ ั‡ะฐั‚ะต\nะ”ะตะนัั‚ะฒะธะต: {}</b>" ), "antiarab_off": ( "<emoji document_id=6323257144745395640>๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡ธ</emoji> <b>AntiArab ั‚ะตะฟะตั€ัŒ" " ะฒั‹ะบะปัŽั‡ะตะฝ ะฒ ัั‚ะพะผ ั‡ะฐั‚ะต</b>" ), "antizalgo_on": ( "<emoji document_id=5213293263083018856>๐ŸŒ€</emoji> <b>AntiZALGO ั‚ะตะฟะตั€ัŒ" " ะฒะบะปัŽั‡ะตะฝ ะฒ ัั‚ะพะผ ั‡ะฐั‚ะต\nะ”ะตะนัั‚ะฒะธะต: {}</b>" ), "antizalgo_off": ( "<emoji document_id=5213293263083018856>๐ŸŒ€</emoji> <b>AntiZALGO ั‚ะตะฟะตั€ัŒ" " ะฒั‹ะบะปัŽั‡ะตะฝ ะฒ ัั‚ะพะผ ั‡ะฐั‚ะต</b>" ), "antistick_on": ( "<emoji document_id=5431456208487716895>๐ŸŽจ</emoji> <b>AntiStick ั‚ะตะฟะตั€ัŒ" " ะฒะบะปัŽั‡ะตะฝ ะฒ ัั‚ะพะผ ั‡ะฐั‚ะต\nะ”ะตะนัั‚ะฒะธะต: {}</b>" ), "antistick_off": ( "<emoji document_id=5431456208487716895>๐ŸŽจ</emoji> <b>AntiStick ั‚ะตะฟะตั€ัŒ" " ะฒั‹ะบะปัŽั‡ะตะฝ ะฒ ัั‚ะพะผ ั‡ะฐั‚ะต</b>" ), "antihelp_on": ( "<emoji document_id=5467759840463953770>๐Ÿบ</emoji> <b>AntiHelp ั‚ะตะฟะตั€ัŒ" " ะฒะบะปัŽั‡ะตะฝ ะฒ ัั‚ะพะผ ั‡ะฐั‚ะต</b>" ), "antihelp_off": ( "<emoji document_id=5467759840463953770>๐Ÿบ</emoji> <b>AntiHelp ั‚ะตะฟะตั€ัŒ" " ะฒั‹ะบะปัŽั‡ะตะฝ ะฒ ัั‚ะพะผ ั‡ะฐั‚ะต</b>" ), "antiraid_on": ( "<emoji document_id=6334359218593728345><emoji" " document_id=6037460928423791421>๐Ÿšช</emoji></emoji> <b>AntiRaid ั‚ะตะฟะตั€ัŒ" " ะฒะบะปัŽั‡ะตะฝ ะฒ ัั‚ะพะผ ั‡ะฐั‚ะต\nะ”ะตะนัั‚ะฒะธะต: {}</b>" ), "antiraid_off": ( "<emoji document_id=6334359218593728345><emoji" " document_id=6037460928423791421>๐Ÿšช</emoji></emoji> <b>AntiRaid ั‚ะตะฟะตั€ัŒ" " ะฒั‹ะบะปัŽั‡ะตะฝ ะฒ ัั‚ะพะผ ั‡ะฐั‚ะต</b>" ), "bnd_on": ( "<emoji document_id=5465300082628763143>๐Ÿ’ฌ</emoji> <b>Block-Non-Discussion" " ั‚ะตะฟะตั€ัŒ ะฒะบะปัŽั‡ะตะฝ ะฒ ัั‚ะพะผ ั‡ะฐั‚ะต\nะ”ะตะนัั‚ะฒะธะต: {}</b>" ), "bnd_off": ( "<emoji document_id=5465300082628763143>๐Ÿ’ฌ</emoji> <b>Block-Non-Discussion" " ั‚ะตะฟะตั€ัŒ ะฒั‹ะบะปัŽั‡ะตะฝ ะฒ ัั‚ะพะผ ั‡ะฐั‚ะต</b>" ), "antichannel_on": ( "<emoji document_id=5470094069289984325>๐Ÿ“ฏ</emoji> <b>AntiChannel ั‚ะตะฟะตั€ัŒ" " ะฒะบะปัŽั‡ะตะฝ ะฒ ัั‚ะพะผ ั‡ะฐั‚ะต</b>" ), "antichannel_off": ( "<emoji document_id=5470094069289984325>๐Ÿ“ฏ</emoji> <b>AntiChannel ั‚ะตะฟะตั€ัŒ" " ะฒั‹ะบะปัŽั‡ะตะฝ ะฒ ัั‚ะพะผ ั‡ะฐั‚ะต</b>" ), "report_on": ( "<emoji document_id=5213203794619277246>๐Ÿ“ฃ</emoji> <b>Report ั‚ะตะฟะตั€ัŒ ะฒะบะปัŽั‡ะตะฝ" " ะฒ ัั‚ะพะผ ั‡ะฐั‚ะต</b>" ), "report_off": ( "<emoji document_id=5213203794619277246>๐Ÿ“ฃ</emoji> <b>Report ั‚ะตะฟะตั€ัŒ" " ะฒั‹ะบะปัŽั‡ะตะฝ" " ะฒ ัั‚ะพะผ ั‡ะฐั‚ะต</b>" ), "antiflood_on": ( "<emoji document_id=5384611567125928766>โฑ</emoji> <b>AntiFlood ั‚ะตะฟะตั€ัŒ" " ะฒะบะปัŽั‡ะตะฝ ะฒ ัั‚ะพะผ ั‡ะฐั‚ะต\nะ”ะตะนัั‚ะฒะธะต: {}</b>" ), "antiflood_off": ( "<emoji document_id=5384611567125928766>โฑ</emoji> <b>AntiFlood ั‚ะตะฟะตั€ัŒ" " ะฒั‹ะบะปัŽั‡ะตะฝ ะฒ ัั‚ะพะผ ั‡ะฐั‚ะต</b>" ), "antispoiler_on": ( "<emoji document_id=5798648862591684122>๐Ÿ‘ป</emoji> <b>AntiSpoiler ั‚ะตะฟะตั€ัŒ" " ะฒะบะปัŽั‡ะตะฝ ะฒ ัั‚ะพะผ ั‡ะฐั‚ะต</b>" ), "antispoiler_off": ( "<emoji document_id=5798648862591684122>๐Ÿ‘ป</emoji> <b>AntiSpoiler ั‚ะตะฟะตั€ัŒ" " ะฒั‹ะบะปัŽั‡ะตะฝ ะฒ ัั‚ะพะผ ั‡ะฐั‚ะต</b>" ), "antigif_on": ( "<emoji document_id=6048825205730577727>๐ŸŽ‘</emoji> <b>AntiGIF ั‚ะตะฟะตั€ัŒ" " ะฒะบะปัŽั‡ะตะฝ" " ะฒ ัั‚ะพะผ ั‡ะฐั‚ะต</b>" ), "antigif_off": ( "<emoji document_id=6048825205730577727>๐ŸŽ‘</emoji> <b>AntiGIF ั‚ะตะฟะตั€ัŒ" " ะฒั‹ะบะปัŽั‡ะตะฝ ะฒ ัั‚ะพะผ ั‡ะฐั‚ะต</b>" ), "antiservice_on": ( "<emoji document_id=5787237370709413702>โš™๏ธ</emoji> <b>AntiService ั‚ะตะฟะตั€ัŒ" " ะฒะบะปัŽั‡ะตะฝ ะฒ ัั‚ะพะผ ั‡ะฐั‚ะต</b>" ), "antiservice_off": ( "<emoji document_id=5787237370709413702>โš™๏ธ</emoji> <b>AntiService ั‚ะตะฟะตั€ัŒ" " ะฒั‹ะบะปัŽั‡ะตะฝ ะฒ ัั‚ะพะผ ั‡ะฐั‚ะต</b>" ), "banninja_on": ( "<emoji document_id=6323575131239089635>๐Ÿฅท</emoji> <b>BanNinja ั‚ะตะฟะตั€ัŒ" " ะฒะบะปัŽั‡ะตะฝ ะฒ ัั‚ะพะผ ั‡ะฐั‚ะต</b>" ), "banninja_off": ( "<emoji document_id=6323575131239089635>๐Ÿฅท</emoji> <b>BanNinja ั‚ะตะฟะตั€ัŒ" " ะฒั‹ะบะปัŽั‡ะตะฝ ะฒ ัั‚ะพะผ ั‡ะฐั‚ะต</b>" ), "antiexplicit_on": ( "<emoji document_id=5373123633415723713>๐Ÿคฌ</emoji> <b>AntiExplicit ั‚ะตะฟะตั€ัŒ" " ะฒะบะปัŽั‡ะตะฝ ะฒ ัั‚ะพะผ ั‡ะฐั‚ะต\nะ”ะตะนัั‚ะฒะธะต: {}</b>" ), "antiexplicit_off": ( "<emoji document_id=5373123633415723713>๐Ÿคฌ</emoji> <b>AntiExplicit ั‚ะตะฟะตั€ัŒ" " ะฒั‹ะบะปัŽั‡ะตะฝ ะฒ ัั‚ะพะผ ั‡ะฐั‚ะต</b>" ), "antinsfw_on": ( "<emoji document_id=4976982981341086273>๐Ÿ”ž</emoji> <b>AntiNSFW ั‚ะตะฟะตั€ัŒ" " ะฒะบะปัŽั‡ะตะฝ ะฒ ัั‚ะพะผ ั‡ะฐั‚ะต\nะ”ะตะนัั‚ะฒะธะต: {}</b>" ), "antinsfw_off": ( "<emoji document_id=4976982981341086273>๐Ÿ”ž</emoji> <b>AntiNSFW ั‚ะตะฟะตั€ัŒ" " ะฒั‹ะบะปัŽั‡ะตะฝ ะฒ ัั‚ะพะผ ั‡ะฐั‚ะต</b>" ), "captcha_on": ( "<emoji document_id=5213107179329953547>๐Ÿšฅ</emoji> <b>Captcha ั‚ะตะฟะตั€ัŒ" " ะฒะบะปัŽั‡ะตะฝะฐ ะฒ ัั‚ะพะผ ั‡ะฐั‚ะต\nะ”ะตะนัั‚ะฒะธะต: {}</b>" ), "captcha_off": ( "<emoji document_id=5213107179329953547>๐Ÿšฅ</emoji> <b>Captcha ั‚ะตะฟะตั€ัŒ" " ะฒั‹ะบะปัŽั‡ะตะฝะฐ ะฒ ัั‚ะพะผ ั‡ะฐั‚ะต</b>" ), "no_fed_warns": ( "<emoji document_id=5193091781327068499>๐Ÿ‘ฎโ€โ™€๏ธ</emoji> <b>This federation has" " no warns yet</b>" ), "warns_adm_fed": ( "<emoji document_id=5193091781327068499>๐Ÿ‘ฎโ€โ™€๏ธ</emoji> <b>Warns in this" " federation</b>:\n" ), "welcome": ( "<emoji document_id=5472055112702629499>๐Ÿ‘‹</emoji> <b>ะขะตะฟะตั€ัŒ ั ะฑัƒะดัƒ" " ะฟั€ะธะฒะตั‚ัั‚ะฒะพะฒะฐั‚ัŒ ะปัŽะดะตะน ะฒ ัั‚ะพะผ ั‡ะฐั‚ะต</b>\n{}" ), "unwelcome": ( "<emoji document_id=5472055112702629499>๐Ÿ‘‹</emoji> <b>ะฏ ะฑะพะปัŒัˆะต ะฝะต ะฑัƒะดัƒ" " ะฟั€ะธะฒะตั‚ัั‚ะฒะพะฒะฐั‚ัŒ ะปัŽะดะตะน ะฒ ัั‚ะพะผ ั‡ะฐั‚ะต</b>" ), "chat404": "๐Ÿ”“ <b>ะญั‚ะพั‚ ั‡ะฐั‚ ะตั‰ะต ะฝะต ะทะฐั‰ะธั‰ะตะฝ.</b>\n", "not_admin": "๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ <b>ะฏ ะทะดะตััŒ ะฝะต ะฐะดะผะธะฝ, ะธะปะธ ัƒ ะผะตะฝั ะฝะตะดะพัั‚ะฐั‚ะพั‡ะฝะพ ะฟั€ะฐะฒ</b>", "no_defense": ( "<emoji document_id=5300855732009180995>๐Ÿ›ก</emoji> <b>ะคะตะดะตั€ะฐั‚ะธะฒะฝั‹ะน ัะฟะธัะพะบ" " ะทะฐั‰ะธั‚ั‹ ะฟัƒัั‚</b>" ), "defense_list": ( "<emoji document_id=5300855732009180995>๐Ÿ›ก</emoji> <b>ะคะตะดะตั€ะฐั‚ะธะฒะฝั‹ะน ัะฟะธัะพะบ" " ะทะฐั‰ะธั‚ั‹:</b>\n{}" ), "fed404": ( "<emoji document_id=5773781976905421370>๐Ÿ’ผ</emoji> <b>ะคะตะดะตั€ะฐั†ะธั ะฝะต" " ะฝะฐะนะดะตะฝะฐ</b>" ), "fedexists": ( "<emoji document_id=5773781976905421370>๐Ÿ’ผ</emoji> <b>ะคะตะดะตั€ะฐั†ะธั" " ััƒั‰ะตัั‚ะฒัƒะตั‚</b>" ), "joinfed": ( "<emoji document_id=5773781976905421370>๐Ÿ’ผ</emoji> <b>ะŸั€ะธัะพะตะดะธะฝะธะปัั ะบ" " ั„ะตะดะตั€ะฐั†ะธะธ</b>" ), "namedfed": ( "<emoji document_id=5773781976905421370>๐Ÿ’ผ</emoji> <b>ะคะตะดะตั€ะฐั†ะธั" " ะฟะตั€ะตะธะผะตะฝะพะฒะฐะฝะฐ ะฒ {}</b>" ), "nofed": ( "<emoji document_id=5773781976905421370>๐Ÿ’ผ</emoji> <b>ะญั‚ะพั‚ ั‡ะฐั‚ ะฝะต ะฝะฐั…ะพะดะธั‚ัั" " ะฝะธ ะฒ ะพะดะฝะพะน ะธะท ั„ะตะดะตั€ะฐั†ะธะน</b>" ), "feds_header": ( "<emoji document_id=5773781976905421370>๐Ÿ’ผ</emoji> <b>ะคะตะดะตั€ะฐั†ะธะธ:</b>\n\n" ), "no_fed": ( "<emoji document_id=5773781976905421370>๐Ÿ’ผ</emoji> <b>ะญั‚ะพั‚ ั‡ะฐั‚ ะฝะต ะฝะฐั…ะพะดะธั‚ัั" " ะฝะธ ะฒ ะพะดะฝะพะน ะธะท ั„ะตะดะตั€ะฐั†ะธะน</b>" ), "api_error": ( "<emoji document_id=5300759756669984376>๐Ÿšซ</emoji> <b>ะžัˆะธะฑะบะฐ" " api.hikariatama.ru!</b>\n<code>{}</code>" ), "fsave_args": ( "<emoji document_id=5773781976905421370>๐Ÿ’ผ</emoji> <b>ะŸั€ะธะผะตั€: .fsave" " shortname &lt;reply&gt;</b>" ), "fstop_args": ( "<emoji document_id=5773781976905421370>๐Ÿ’ผ</emoji> <b>ะŸั€ะธะผะตั€: .fstop" " shortname</b>" ), "fsave": ( "<emoji document_id=5773781976905421370>๐Ÿ’ผ</emoji> <b>ะคะตะดะตั€ะฐั‚ะธะฒะฝะฐั ะทะฐะผะตั‚ะบะฐ" " </b><code>{}</code><b> ัะพั…ั€ะฐะฝะตะฝะฐ!</b>" ), "fstop": ( "<emoji document_id=5773781976905421370>๐Ÿ’ผ</emoji> <b>ะคะตะดะตั€ะฐั‚ะธะฒะฝะฐั ะทะฐะผะตั‚ะบะฐ" " </b><code>{}</code><b> ัƒะดะฐะปะตะฝะฐ!</b>" ), "fnotes": ( "<emoji document_id=5773781976905421370>๐Ÿ’ผ</emoji> <b>ะคะตะดะตั€ะฐั‚ะธะฒะฝั‹ะต" " ะทะฐะผะตั‚ะบะธ:</b>\n{}" ), "usage": "โ„น๏ธ <b>ะŸั€ะธะผะตั€: .{} &lt;on/off&gt;</b>", "chat_only": "โ„น๏ธ <b>ะญั‚ะฐ ะบะพะผะฐะฝะดะฐ ะฟั€ะตะดะฝะฐะทะฝะฐั‡ะตะฝะฐ ะดะปั ั‡ะฐั‚ะพะฒ</b>", "no_federations": ( "<emoji document_id=5773781976905421370>๐Ÿ’ผ</emoji> <b>ะะตั‚ ะฐะบั‚ะธะฒะฝั‹ั…" " ั„ะตะดะตั€ะฐั†ะธะน</b>" ), "clrallwarns_fed": ( "<emoji document_id=5193091781327068499>๐Ÿ‘ฎโ€โ™€๏ธ</emoji> <b>ะŸั€ะพั‰ะตะฝั‹ ะฒัะต" " ะฟั€ะตะดัƒะฟั€ะตะถะดะตะฝะธั ะฒ ั„ะตะดะตั€ะฐั†ะธะธ</b>" ), "cleaning": ( "<emoji document_id=5215493819641895305>๐Ÿซฅ</emoji> <b>ะŸะพะธัะบ ัƒะดะฐะปะตะฝะฝั‹ั…" " ะฐะบะบะฐัƒะฝั‚ะพะฒ...</b>" ), "deleted": ( "<emoji document_id=5215493819641895305>๐Ÿซฅ</emoji> <b>ะฃะดะฐะปะตะฝะพ {} ัƒะดะฐะปะตะฝะฝั‹ั…" " ะฐะบะบะฐัƒะฝั‚ะพะฒ</b>" ), "fcleaning": ( "<emoji document_id=5215493819641895305>๐Ÿซฅ</emoji> <b>ะŸะพะธัะบ ัƒะดะฐะปะตะฝะฝั‹ั…" " ะฐะบะบะฐัƒะฝั‚ะพะฒ ะฒ ั„ะตะดะตั€ะฐั†ะธะธ...</b>" ), "btn_unban": "๐Ÿ”“ ะ ะฐะทะฑะฐะฝะธั‚ัŒ (ะฐะดะผะธะฝ)", "btn_unmute": "๐Ÿ”ˆ ะ ะฐะทะผัƒั‚ะธั‚ัŒ (ะฐะดะผะธะฝ)", "btn_unwarn": "โ™ป๏ธ ะฃะดะฐะปะธั‚ัŒ ะฟั€ะตะดัƒะฟั€ะตะถะดะตะฝะธะต (ะฐะดะผะธะฝ)", "btn_funmute": "๐Ÿ”ˆ ะ ะฐะทะผัƒั‚ะธั‚ัŒ ะฒ ั„ะตะดะตั€ะฐั†ะธะธ (ะฐะดะผะธะฝ)", "btn_funban": "๐Ÿ”“ ะ ะฐะทะฑะฐะฝะธั‚ัŒ ะฒ ั„ะตะดะตั€ะฐั†ะธะธ (ะฐะดะผะธะฝ)", "btn_mute": "๐Ÿ™Š ะœัƒั‚", "btn_ban": "๐Ÿ”’ ะ‘ะฐะฝ", "btn_fban": "๐Ÿ’ผ ะคะตะด. ะฑะฐะฝ", "btn_del": "๐Ÿ—‘ ะฃะดะฐะปะธั‚ัŒ", "sync": ( "๐Ÿ”„ <b>ะŸั€ะธะฝัƒะดะธั‚ะตะปัŒะฝะฐั ัะธะฝั…ั€ะพะฝะธะทะฐั†ะธั ั„ะตะดะตั€ะฐั†ะธะน ะธ ั‡ะฐั‚ะพะฒ ั ัะตั€ะฒะตั€ะพะผ...</b>" ), "sync_complete": "๐Ÿ˜Œ <b>ะกะธั…ะฝั€ะพะฝะธะทะธั€ะพะฒะฐะฝ</b>", "rename_noargs": ( "<emoji document_id=5300759756669984376>๐Ÿšซ</emoji> <b>ะฃะบะฐะถะธ ะธะผั" " ั„ะตะดะตั€ะฐั†ะธะธ</b>" ), "suffix_removed": "๐Ÿ“ผ <b>ะกัƒั„ั„ะธะบั ะฟั€ะตะดัƒะฟั€ะตะถะดะตะฝะธั ัƒะดะฐะปะตะฝ</b>", "suffix_updated": "๐Ÿ“ผ <b>ะฃัั‚ะฐะฝะพะฒะปะตะฝ ะฝะพะฒั‹ะน ััƒั„ั„ะธะบั ะฟั€ะตะดัƒะฟั€ะตะถะดะตะฝะธั</b>\n\n{}", "processing_myrights": "๐Ÿ˜Œ <b>ะžะฑั€ะฐะฑะพั‚ะบะฐ ั‡ะฐั‚ะพะฒ</b>", "logchat_removed": "๐Ÿ“ฒ <b>ะ›ะพะณะธั€ะพะฒะฐะฝะธะต ะพั‚ะบะปัŽั‡ะตะฝะพ</b>", "logchat_invalid": ( "<emoji document_id=5300759756669984376>๐Ÿšซ</emoji> <b>ะะตะฒะตั€ะฝั‹ะน ั‡ะฐั‚" " ะปะพะณะธั€ะพะฒะฐะฝะธั</b>" ), "logchat_set": "๐Ÿ“ฒ <b>ะงะฐั‚ ะปะพะณะธั€ะพะฒะฐะฝะธั ัƒัั‚ะฐะฝะพะฒะปะตะฝ ะฝะฐ </b><code>{}</code>", "clnraid_args": ( "<emoji document_id=6323575131239089635>๐Ÿฅท</emoji> <b>ะŸั€ะธะผะตั€:" " </b><code>.clnraid 10</code>" ), "clnraid_admin": ( "<emoji 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" ะะฐะนะดะตะฝะพ {} ะฟะพะปัŒะทะพะฒะฐั‚ะตะปะตะน ะดะปั ะฑะฐะฝะฐ...</b>" ), "clnraid_confirm": ( "<emoji document_id=6323575131239089635>๐Ÿฅท</emoji> <b>ะŸะพะดั‚ะฒะตั€ะดะธั‚ะต ะทะฐะฟัƒัะบ" " RaidCleaner ะฝะฐ {} ะฟะพะปัŒะทะพะฒะฐั‚ะตะปัั…</b>" ), "clnraid_yes": "<emoji document_id=6323575131239089635>๐Ÿฅท</emoji> ะะฐั‡ะฐั‚ัŒ", "banninja_report": ( "<emoji document_id=6323575131239089635>๐Ÿฅท</emoji> <b>BanNinja ะทะฐะบะพะฝั‡ะธะป" " ั€ะฐะฑะพั‚ัƒ.</b>\n<i>ะฃะดะฐะปะตะฝะพ {} ะฑะพั‚(-ะพะฒ)</i>\n\n๐Ÿน <i>ยซBanNinja can handle any" " size of attackยป</i> ยฉ <code>@hikariatama</code>" ), "clnraid_cancel": "๐Ÿ”ป ะžั‚ะผะตะฝะฐ", "clnraid_stop": "๐Ÿšจ ะžัั‚ะฐะฝะพะฒะธั‚ัŒ", "clnraid_complete": ( "<emoji document_id=6323575131239089635>๐Ÿฅท</emoji> <b>RaidCleaner ะทะฐะบะพะฝั‡ะธะป" " ั€ะฐะฑะพั‚ัƒ! ะฃะดะฐะปะตะฝะพ: {} ะฑะพั‚(-ะพะฒ)</b>" ), "clnraid_cancelled": ( "<emoji document_id=6323575131239089635>๐Ÿฅท</emoji> <b>RaidCleaner" " ะพัั‚ะฐะฝะพะฒะปะตะฝ. ะฃะดะฐะปะตะฝะพ: {} ะฑะพั‚(-ะพะฒ)</b>" ), "confirm_rmfed_btn": "๐Ÿ—‘ ะฃะดะฐะปะธั‚ัŒ", "decline_rmfed_btn": "๐Ÿ”ป ะžั‚ะผะตะฝะฐ", "pil_unavailable": ( "<emoji document_id=5300759756669984376>๐Ÿšซ</emoji> <b>ะ‘ะธะฑะปะธะพั‚ะตะบะฐ Pillow" " ะฝะตะดะพัั‚ัƒะฟะฝะฐ</b>" ), "_cmd_doc_version": "ะŸะพะปัƒั‡ะธั‚ัŒ ะธะฝั„ะพั€ะผะฐั†ะธัŽ ะพ ะผะพะดัƒะปะต", "_cmd_doc_deleted": "ะžั‡ะธัั‚ะบะฐ ัƒะดะฐะปะฝะฝั‹ั… ะฐะบะบะฐัƒะฝั‚ะพะฒ ะฒ ั‡ะฐั‚ะต", "_cmd_doc_fclean": "ะžั‡ะธัั‚ะบะฐ ัƒะดะฐะปะตะฝะฝั‹ั… ะฐะบะบะฐัƒะฝั‚ะพะฒ ะฒ ั„ะตะดะตั€ะฐั†ะธะธ", "_cmd_doc_newfed": "<shortname> <ะธะผั> - ะกะพะทะดะฐั‚ัŒ ะฝะพะฒัƒัŽ ั„ะตะดะตั€ะฐั†ะธัŽ", "_cmd_doc_rmfed": "<shortname> - ะฃะดะฐะปะธั‚ัŒ ั„ะตะดะตั€ะฐั†ะธัŽ", "_cmd_doc_fpromote": "<ะฟะพะปัŒะทะพะฒะฐั‚ะตะปัŒ> - ะ’ั‹ะดะฐั‚ัŒ ะฟะพะปัŒะทะพะฒะฐั‚ะตะปัŽ ะฟั€ะฐะฒะฐ ะฒ ั„ะตะดะตั€ะฐั†ะธะธ", "_cmd_doc_fdemote": ( "<shortname> <ะฟะพะปัŒะทะพะฒะฐั‚ะตะปัŒ> - ะ—ะฐะฑั€ะฐั‚ัŒ ัƒ ะฟะพะปัŒะทะพะฒะฐั‚ะตะปั ะฟั€ะฐะฒะฐ ะฒ ั„ะตะดะตั€ะฐั†ะธะธ" ), "_cmd_doc_fadd": "<ั„ะตะดะตั€ะฐั†ะธั> - ะ”ะพะฑะฐะฒะธั‚ัŒ ั‡ะฐั‚ ะฒ ั„ะตะดะตั€ะฐั†ะธัŽ", "_cmd_doc_frm": "ะฃะดะฐะปะธั‚ัŒ ั‡ะฐั‚ ะธะท ั„ะตะดะตั€ะฐั†ะธะธ", "_cmd_doc_fban": "<ะฟะพะปัŒะทะพะฒะฐั‚ะตะปัŒ> [ะฟั€ะธั‡ะธะฝะฐ] - ะ—ะฐะฑะฐะฝะธั‚ัŒ ะฟะพะปัŒะทะพะฒะฐั‚ะตะปั ะฒ ั„ะตะดะตั€ะฐั†ะธะธ", "_cmd_doc_punishsuff": "ะฃัั‚ะฐะฝะพะฒะธั‚ัŒ ะฝะพะฒั‹ะน ััƒั„ั„ะธะบั ะฝะฐะบะฐะทะฐะฝะธั", "_cmd_doc_sethclog": "ะฃัั‚ะฐะฝะพะฒะธั‚ัŒ ั‡ะฐั‚ ะปะพะณะธั€ะพะฒะฐะฝะธั", "_cmd_doc_funban": ( "<ะฟะพะปัŒะทะพะฒะฐั‚ะตะปัŒ> [ะฟั€ะธั‡ะธะฝะฐ] - ะ ะฐะทะฑะฐะฝะธั‚ัŒ ะฟะพะปัŒะทะพะฒะฐั‚ะตะปั ะฒ ั„ะตะดะตั€ะฐั†ะธะธ" ), "_cmd_doc_fmute": ( "<ะฟะพะปัŒะทะพะฒะฐั‚ะตะปัŒ> [ะฟั€ะธั‡ะธะฝะฐ] - ะ—ะฐะผัƒั‚ะธั‚ัŒ ะฟะพะปัŒะทะพะฒะฐั‚ะตะปั ะฒ ั„ะตะดะตั€ะฐั†ะธะธ" ), "_cmd_doc_funmute": ( "<ะฟะพะปัŒะทะพะฒะฐั‚ะตะปัŒ> [ะฟั€ะธั‡ะธะฝะฐ] - ะ ะฐะทะฑะฐะฝะธั‚ัŒ ะฟะพะปัŒะทะพะฒะฐั‚ะตะปั ะฒ ั„ะตะดะตั€ะฐั†ะธะธ" ), "_cmd_doc_kick": "<ะฟะพะปัŒะทะพะฒะฐั‚ะตะปัŒ> [ะฟั€ะธั‡ะธะฝะฐ] - ะšะธะบะฝัƒั‚ัŒ ะฟะพะปัŒะทะพะฒะฐั‚ะตะปั", "_cmd_doc_ban": "<ะฟะพะปัŒะทะพะฒะฐั‚ะตะปัŒ> [ะฟั€ะธั‡ะธะฝะฐ] - ะ—ะฐะฑะฐะฝะธั‚ัŒ ะฟะพะปัŒะทะพะฒะฐั‚ะตะปั", "_cmd_doc_mute": "<ะฟะพะปัŒะทะพะฒะฐั‚ะตะปัŒ> [ะฒั€ะตะผั] [ะฟั€ะธั‡ะธะฝะฐ] - ะ—ะฐะผัƒั‚ะธั‚ัŒ ะฟะพะปัŒะทะพะฒะฐั‚ะตะปั", "_cmd_doc_unmute": "<ะฟะพะปัŒะทะพะฒะฐั‚ะตะปัŒ> - ะ ะฐะทะผัƒั‚ะธั‚ัŒ ะฟะพะปัŒะทะพะฒะฐั‚ะตะปั", "_cmd_doc_unban": "<ะฟะพะปัŒะทะพะฒะฐั‚ะตะปัŒ> - ะ ะฐะทะฑะฐะฝะธั‚ัŒ ะฟะพะปัŒะทะพะฒะฐั‚ะตะปั", "_cmd_doc_protects": "ะŸะพะบะฐะทะฐั‚ัŒ ะดะพัั‚ัƒะฟะฝั‹ะต ะทะฐั‰ะธั‚ั‹", "_cmd_doc_feds": "ะŸะพะบะฐะทะฐั‚ัŒ ั„ะตะดะตั€ะฐั†ะธะธ", "_cmd_doc_fed": "<shortname> - ะ˜ะฝั„ะพั€ะผะฐั†ะธั ะพ ั„ะตะดะตั€ะฐั†ะธะธ", "_cmd_doc_pchat": "ะŸะพะบะฐะทะฐั‚ัŒ ะทะฐั‰ะธั‚ั‹ ะฒ ั‡ะฐั‚ะต", "_cmd_doc_warn": "<ะฟะพะปัŒะทะพะฒะฐั‚ะตะปัŒ> - ะŸั€ะตะดัƒะฟั€ะตะดะธั‚ัŒ ะฟะพะปัŒะทะพะฒะฐั‚ะตะปั", "_cmd_doc_warns": ( "[ะฟะพะปัŒะทะพะฒะฐั‚ะตะปัŒ] - ะŸะพะบะฐะทะฐั‚ัŒ ะฟั€ะตะดัƒะฟั€ะตะถะดะตะฝะธั ะฒ ั‡ะฐั‚ะต \\ ัƒ ะฟะพะปัŒะทะพะฒะฐั‚ะตะปั" ), "_cmd_doc_delwarn": "<ะฟะพะปัŒะทะพะฒะฐั‚ะตะปัŒ> - ะŸั€ะพัั‚ะธั‚ัŒ ะฟะพัะปะตะดะฝะตะต ะฟั€ะตะดัƒะฟั€ะตะถะดะตะฝะธะต", "_cmd_doc_clrwarns": ( "<ะฟะพะปัŒะทะพะฒะฐั‚ะตะปัŒ> - ะŸั€ะพัั‚ะธั‚ัŒ ะฒัะต ะฟั€ะตะดัƒะฟั€ะตะถะดะตะฝะธั ะฟะพะปัŒะทะพะฒะฐั‚ะตะปั" ), "_cmd_doc_clrallwarns": "ะŸั€ะพัั‚ะธั‚ัŒ ะฒัะต ะฟั€ะตะดัƒะฟั€ะตะถะดะตะฝะธั ะฒ ั„ะตะดะตั€ะฐั†ะธะธ", "_cmd_doc_welcome": "<text> - ะ˜ะทะผะตะฝะธั‚ัŒ ั‚ะตะบัั‚ ะฟั€ะธะฒะตั‚ัั‚ะฒะพะฒะธั", "_cmd_doc_fdef": ( "<ะฟะพะปัŒะทะพะฒะฐั‚ะตะปัŒ> - ะ’ะบะปัŽั‡ะธั‚ัŒ\\ะฒั‹ะบะปัŽั‡ะธั‚ัŒ ั„ะตะดะตั€ะฐั‚ะธะฒะฝัƒัŽ ะทะฐั‰ะธั‚ัƒ ะฟะพะปัŒะทะพะฒะฐั‚ะตะปั" ), "_cmd_doc_fsave": "<note name> <reply> - ะกะพั…ั€ะฐะฝะธั‚ัŒ ั„ะตะดะตั€ะฐั‚ะธะฒะฝัƒัŽ ะทะฐะผะตั‚ะบัƒ", "_cmd_doc_fstop": "<note name> - ะฃะดะฐะปะธั‚ัŒ ั„ะตะดะตั€ะฐั‚ะธะฒะฝัƒัŽ ะทะฐะผะตั‚ะบัƒ", "_cmd_doc_fnotes": "ะŸะพะบะฐะทะฐั‚ัŒ ั„ะตะดะตั€ะฐั‚ะธะฒะฝั‹ะต ะทะฐะผะตั‚ะบะธ", "_cmd_doc_fdeflist": "ะŸะพะบะฐะทะฐั‚ัŒ ั„ะตะดะตั€ะฐั‚ะธะฒะฝั‹ะน ัะฟะธัะพะบ ะทะฐั‰ะธั‚ั‹", "_cmd_doc_dmute": "ะฃะดะฐะปะธั‚ัŒ ะธ ะทะฐะผัƒั‚ะธั‚ัŒ", "_cmd_doc_dban": "ะฃะดะฐะปะธั‚ัŒ ะธ ะทะฐะฑะฐะฝะธั‚ัŒ", "_cmd_doc_dwarn": "ะฃะดะฐะปะธั‚ัŒ ะธ ะฟั€ะตะดัƒะฟั€ะตะดะธั‚ัŒ", "_cmd_doc_fsync": "ะŸั€ะธะฝัƒะดะธั‚ะตะปัŒะฝะฐั ัะธะฝั…ั€ะพะฝะธะทะฐั†ะธั ั„ะตะดะตั€ะฐั†ะธะน ะธ ั‡ะฐั‚ะพะฒ ั ัะตั€ะฒะตั€ะพะผ", "_cmd_doc_frename": "ะŸะตั€ะตะธะผะตะฝะพะฒะฐั‚ัŒ ั„ะตะดะตั€ะฐั†ะธัŽ", "_cmd_doc_myrights": "ะŸะพะบะฐะทะฐั‚ัŒ ะฒัะต ะฟั€ะฐะฒะฐ ะฐะดะผะธะฝะธัั‚ั€ะฐั‚ะพั€ะฐ ะฒะพ ะฒัะตั… ั‡ะฐั‚ะฐั…", "action": "<ะดะตะนัั‚ะฒะธะต>", "configure": "ะะฐัั‚ั€ะพะธั‚ัŒ", "toggle": "ะ’ะบะปัŽั‡ะธั‚ัŒ\\ะฒั‹ะบะปัŽั‡ะธั‚ัŒ", "fed": ( "<emoji document_id=5773781976905421370>๐Ÿ’ผ</emoji> <b>ะคะตะดะตั€ะฐั†ะธั" ' "{}":</b>\n๐Ÿ”ฐ' " <b>ะงะฐั‚ั‹:</b>\n<b>{}</b>\n๐Ÿ”ฐ <b>ะšะฐะฝะฐะปั‹:</b>\n<b>{}</b>\n๐Ÿ”ฐ" " <b>ะะดะผะธะฝั‹:</b>\n<b>{}</b>\n๐Ÿ”ฐ <b>ะŸั€ะตะดัƒะฟั€ะตะถะดะตะฝะธั: {}</b>\n" ), "confirm_rmfed": ( "โš ๏ธ <b>ะ’ะฝะธะผะฐะฝะธะต! ะญั‚ะพ ะดะตะนัั‚ะฒะธะต ะฝะตะปัŒะทั ะพั‚ะผะตะฝะธั‚ัŒ! ะขั‹ ัƒะฒะตั€ะตะฝ, ั‡ั‚ะพ ั…ะพั‡ะตัˆัŒ" " ัƒะดะฐะปะธั‚ัŒ ั„ะตะดะตั€ะฐั†ะธัŽ </b><code>{}</code><b>?</b>" ), "_cls_doc": "Must-have ะผะพะดัƒะปัŒ ะฐะดะผะธะฝะธัั‚ั€ะฐั‚ะพั€ะฐ ั‡ะฐั‚ะฐ", "no_notes": ( "<emoji document_id=5300759756669984376>๐Ÿšซ</emoji> <b>ะะตั‚ ะทะฐะผะตั‚ะพะบ</b>" ), } def __init__(self): self._punish_queue = [] self._raid_cleaners = [] self._global_queue = [] self._captcha_db = {} self._captcha_messages = {} self._ban_ninja = {} self._ban_ninja_messages = [] self._ban_ninja_forms = {} self._ban_ninja_progress = {} self._ban_ninja_tasks = {} self._ban_ninja_default_rights = {} self.flood_timeout = FLOOD_TIMEOUT self.flood_threshold = FLOOD_TRESHOLD self._my_protects = {} self._linked_channels = {} self._sticks_ratelimit = {} self._flood_fw_protection = {} self._ratelimit = {"notes": {}, "report": {}} self._delete_soon = [] self._gban_cache = {} self.config = loader.ModuleConfig( loader.ConfigValue( "silent", False, lambda: "Do not notify about protections actions", validator=loader.validators.Boolean(), ), loader.ConfigValue( "join_ratelimit", 10, lambda: ( "How many users per minute need to join until BanNinja activates" ), validator=loader.validators.Integer(minimum=1), ), loader.ConfigValue( "banninja_cooldown", 300, lambda: "How long is BanNinja supposed to be active in seconds", validator=loader.validators.Integer(minimum=15), ), loader.ConfigValue( "warns_limit", 7, lambda: "How many warns can be issued before ban", validator=loader.validators.Integer(minimum=1), ), loader.ConfigValue( "close_on_raid", True, lambda: "Close chat on raid with active BanNinja", validator=loader.validators.Boolean(), ), ) def render_table(self, t: typing.List[typing.List[str]]) -> bytes: table = gen_table(t) fnt = ImageFont.truetype(io.BytesIO(self.font), 20, encoding="utf-8") def get_t_size(text, fnt): if "\n" not in text: return fnt.getsize(text) w, h = 0, 0 for line in text.split("\n"): line_size = fnt.getsize(line) if line_size[0] > w: w = line_size[0] h += line_size[1] w += 10 h += 10 return (w, h) t_size = get_t_size(table, fnt) img = Image.new("RGB", t_size, (30, 30, 30)) d = ImageDraw.Draw(img) d.text((5, 5), table, font=fnt, fill=(200, 200, 200)) imgByteArr = io.BytesIO() img.save(imgByteArr, format="PNG") imgByteArr = imgByteArr.getvalue() return imgByteArr async def on_unload(self): with contextlib.suppress(Exception): self.api._task.cancel() with contextlib.suppress(Exception): self._pt_task.cancel() with contextlib.suppress(Exception): self.api._processor_task.cancel() with contextlib.suppress(Exception): for _, form in self._ban_ninja_forms.items(): with contextlib.suppress(Exception): await form.delete() def lookup(self, modname: str): return next( ( mod for mod in self.allmodules.modules if mod.name.lower() == modname.lower() ), False, ) async def check_admin( self, chat_id: typing.Union[Chat, Channel, int], user_id: typing.Union[User, int], ) -> bool: """ Checks if user is admin in target chat """ try: return (await self._client.get_permissions(chat_id, user_id)).is_admin # We could've ignored only ValueError to check # entity for validity, but there are many errors # possible to occur, so we ignore all of them, bc # actually we don't give a fuck about 'em except Exception: return ( user_id in self._client.dispatcher.security._owner or user_id in self._client.dispatcher.security._sudo ) def chat_command(function) -> FunctionType: """ Decorator to allow execution of certain commands in chat only """ @functools.wraps(function) async def wrapped(*args, **kwargs): if len(args) < 2 or not isinstance(args[1], Message): return await function(*args, **kwargs) if args[1].is_private: await utils.answer(args[1], args[0].strings("chat_only")) return return await function(*args, **kwargs) wrapped.__doc__ = function.__doc__ wrapped.__module__ = function.__module__ return wrapped def error_handler(function) -> FunctionType: """ Decorator to handle functions' errors """ @functools.wraps(function) async def wrapped(*args, **kwargs): try: return await function(*args, **kwargs) except Exception: logger.exception("Exception caught in HikariChat") if function.__name__.startswith("p__"): return if function.__name__ == "watcher": return wrapped.__doc__ = function.__doc__ wrapped.__module__ = function.__module__ return wrapped async def get_config(self, chat: typing.Union[str, int]) -> tuple: info = self.api.chats[str(chat)] cinfo = await self._client.get_entity(int(chat)) answer_message = ( f"๐Ÿช† <b>HikariChat protection</b>\n<b>{get_full_name(cinfo)}</b>\n\n" ) protections = { key: value for key, value in PROTECTS.items() if key in self.api.variables["protections"] } btns = [] for protection, style in protections.items(): answer_message += ( f" <b>{style}</b>: {info[protection][0]}\n" if protection in info else "" ) style = style if protection in info else style[2:] btns += [ { "text": style, "callback": self._change_protection_state, "args": (chat, protection), } ] fed = None for info in self.api.feds.values(): if str(chat) in info["chats"]: fed = info answer_message += ( f"\n<emoji document_id=5773781976905421370>๐Ÿ’ผ</emoji> <b>{fed['name']}</b>" if fed else "" ) btns = utils.chunks(btns, 3) + [[{"text": "โŒ Close", "action": "close"}]] return {"text": answer_message, "reply_markup": btns} async def _inline_config(self, call: CallbackQuery, chat: typing.Union[str, int]): await call.edit(**(await self.get_config(chat))) async def _change_protection_state( self, call: CallbackQuery, chat: typing.Union[str, int], protection: str, state: typing.Optional[str] = None, ): if protection == "welcome": await call.answer("Use .welcome to configure this option!", show_alert=True) return if protection in self.api.variables["argumented_protects"]: if state is None: cinfo = await self._client.get_entity(int(chat)) markup = utils.chunks( [ { "text": "๐Ÿ”’ Ban", "callback": self._change_protection_state, "args": (chat, protection, "ban"), }, { "text": "๐Ÿ™Š Mute", "callback": self._change_protection_state, "args": (chat, protection, "mute"), }, { "text": "๐Ÿค• Warn", "callback": self._change_protection_state, "args": (chat, protection, "warn"), }, { "text": "๐Ÿšช Kick", "callback": self._change_protection_state, "args": (chat, protection, "kick"), }, { "text": "๐Ÿ˜ถโ€๐ŸŒซ๏ธ Delmsg", "callback": self._change_protection_state, "args": (chat, protection, "delmsg"), }, { "text": "๐Ÿšซ Off", "callback": self._change_protection_state, "args": (chat, protection, "off"), }, ], 3, ) + [ [ { "text": "๐Ÿ”™ Back", "callback": self._inline_config, "args": (chat,), } ] ] current_state = ( "off" if protection not in self.api.chats[str(chat)] else self.api.chats[str(chat)][protection][0] ) await call.edit( ( f"๐ŸŒ <b>{get_full_name(cinfo)}</b>:" f" <code>{PROTECTS[protection]}</code> (now: {current_state})" ), reply_markup=markup, ) else: self.api.request( { "action": "update protections", "args": { "chat": chat, "protection": protection, "state": state, }, } ) await call.answer("Configuration value saved") if state != "off": self.api.chats[str(chat)][protection] = [state, str(self._tg_id)] else: del self.api.chats[str(chat)][protection] await self._inline_config(call, chat) else: current_state = protection in self.api.chats[str(chat)] self.api.request( { "action": "update protections", "args": { "chat": chat, "protection": protection, "state": "off" if current_state else "on", }, } ) await call.answer( f"{PROTECTS[protection]} -> {'off' if current_state else 'on'}" ) if current_state: del self.api.chats[str(chat)][protection] else: self.api.chats[str(chat)][protection] = ["on", str(self._tg_id)] await self._inline_config(call, chat) @error_handler async def protect(self, message: Message, protection: str): """ Protection toggle handler """ args = utils.get_args_raw(message) chat = utils.get_chat_id(message) await self._promote_bot(chat) if protection in self.api.variables["argumented_protects"]: if args not in self.api.variables["protect_actions"] or args == "off": args = "off" await utils.answer(message, self.strings(f"{protection}_off")) else: await utils.answer( message, self.strings(f"{protection}_on").format(args), ) elif args == "on": await utils.answer(message, self.strings(f"{protection}_on")) elif args == "off": await utils.answer( message, self.strings(f"{protection}_off").format(args), ) else: await utils.answer(message, self.strings("usage").format(protection)) return self.api.request( { "action": "update protections", "args": {"protection": protection, "state": args, "chat": chat}, }, message, ) def protection_template(self, protection: str) -> FunctionType: """ Template for protection toggler For internal use only """ comments = self.api.variables["named_protects"] func_name = f"{protection}cmd" function = functools.partial(self.protect, protection=protection) function.__module__ = self.__module__ function.__name__ = func_name function.__self__ = self args = ( self.strings("action") if protection in self.api.variables["argumented_protects"] else "<on/off>" ) action = ( self.strings("configure") if protection in self.api.variables["argumented_protects"] else self.strings("toggle") ) function.__doc__ = f"{args} - {action} {comments[protection]}" return function @staticmethod def convert_time(t: str) -> int: """ Tries to export time from text """ try: if not str(t)[:-1].isdigit(): return 0 if "d" in str(t): t = int(t[:-1]) * 60 * 60 * 24 if "h" in str(t): t = int(t[:-1]) * 60 * 60 if "m" in str(t): t = int(t[:-1]) * 60 if "s" in str(t): t = int(t[:-1]) t = int(re.sub(r"[^0-9]", "", str(t))) except ValueError: return 0 return t async def ban( self, chat: typing.Union[Chat, int], user: typing.Union[User, Channel, int], period: int = 0, reason: str = None, message: typing.Optional[Message] = None, silent: bool = False, ): """Ban user in chat""" if str(user).isdigit(): user = int(user) if reason is None: reason = self.strings("no_reason") try: await self.inline.bot.kick_chat_member( int(f"-100{getattr(chat, 'id', chat)}"), int(getattr(user, "id", user)), ) except Exception: logger.debug("Can't ban with bot", exc_info=True) await self._client.edit_permissions( chat, user, until_date=(time.time() + period) if period else 0, **BANNED_RIGHTS, ) if silent: return msg = self.strings("ban").format( utils.get_link(user), get_full_name(user), f"for {period // 60} min(-s)" if period else "forever", reason, self.get("punish_suffix", ""), ) if self._is_inline: if self.get("logchat"): if not isinstance(chat, (Chat, Channel)): chat = await self._client.get_entity(chat) await self.inline.form( message=self.get("logchat"), text=self.strings("ban_log").format( utils.get_link(user), get_full_name(user), f"for {period // 60} min(-s)" if period else "forever", utils.get_link(chat), get_full_name(chat), reason, "", ), reply_markup={ "text": self.strings("btn_unban"), "data": ( f"ub/{chat.id if isinstance(chat, (Chat, Channel)) else chat}/{user.id}" ), }, silent=True, ) if isinstance(message, Message): await utils.answer(message, msg) else: await self._client.send_message(chat.id, msg) else: await self.inline.form( message=( message if isinstance(message, Message) else getattr(chat, "id", chat) ), text=msg, reply_markup={ "text": self.strings("btn_unban"), "data": ( f"ub/{chat.id if isinstance(chat, (Chat, Channel)) else chat}/{user.id}" ), }, silent=True, ) else: await (utils.answer if message else self._client.send_message)( message or chat.id, msg ) async def mute( self, chat: typing.Union[Chat, int], user: typing.Union[User, Channel, int], period: int = 0, reason: str = None, message: typing.Optional[Message] = None, silent: bool = False, ): """Mute user in chat""" if str(user).isdigit(): user = int(user) if reason is None: reason = self.strings("no_reason") try: await self.inline.bot.restrict_chat_member( int(f"-100{getattr(chat, 'id', chat)}"), int(getattr(user, "id", user)), permissions=ChatPermissions(can_send_messages=False), until_date=time.time() + period, ) except Exception: logger.debug("Can't mute with bot", exc_info=True) await self._client.edit_permissions( chat, user, until_date=time.time() + period, send_messages=False, ) if silent: return msg = self.strings("mute").format( utils.get_link(user), get_full_name(user), f"for {period // 60} min(-s)" if period else "forever", reason, self.get("punish_suffix", ""), ) if self._is_inline: if self.get("logchat"): if not isinstance(chat, (Chat, Channel)): chat = await self._client.get_entity(chat) await self.inline.form( message=self.get("logchat"), text=self.strings("mute_log").format( utils.get_link(user), get_full_name(user), f"for {period // 60} min(-s)" if period else "forever", utils.get_link(chat), get_full_name(chat), reason, "", ), reply_markup={ "text": self.strings("btn_unmute"), "data": ( f"um/{chat.id if isinstance(chat, (Chat, Channel)) else chat}/{user.id}" ), }, silent=True, ) if isinstance(message, Message): await utils.answer(message, msg) else: await self._client.send_message(chat.id, msg) else: await self.inline.form( message=( message if isinstance(message, Message) else getattr(chat, "id", chat) ), text=msg, reply_markup={ "text": self.strings("btn_unmute"), "data": ( f"um/{chat.id if isinstance(chat, (Chat, Channel)) else chat}/{user.id}" ), }, silent=True, ) else: await (utils.answer if message else self._client.send_message)( message or chat.id, msg ) @loader.inline_everyone async def actions_callback_handler(self, call: CallbackQuery): """ Handles unmute, unban, unwarn etc. button clicks """ if not re.match(r"[fbmudw]{1,3}\/[-0-9]+\/[-#0-9]+", call.data): return action, chat, user = call.data.split("/") msg_id = None try: user, msg_id = user.split("#") msg_id = int(msg_id) except Exception: pass chat, user = int(chat), int(user) if not await self.check_admin(chat, call.from_user.id): await call.answer("You are not admin") return try: user = await self._client.get_entity(user) except Exception: await call.answer("Unable to resolve entity") return try: adm = await self._client.get_entity(call.from_user.id) except Exception: await call.answer("Unable to resolve admin entity") return p = ( await self._client(GetParticipantRequest(chat, call.from_user.id)) ).participant owner = isinstance(p, ChannelParticipantCreator) if action == "ub": if not owner and not p.admin_rights.ban_users: await call.answer("Not enough rights!") return await self._client.edit_permissions( chat, user, until_date=0, **{right: True for right in BANNED_RIGHTS.keys()}, ) msg = self.strings("inline_unbanned").format( utils.get_link(user), get_full_name(user), utils.get_link(adm), get_full_name(adm), ) try: await self.inline.bot.edit_message_text( msg, inline_message_id=call.inline_message_id, parse_mode="HTML", disable_web_page_preview=False, ) except Exception: await self._client.send_message(chat, msg) elif action == "um": if not owner and not p.admin_rights.ban_users: await call.answer("Not enough rights!") return await self._client.edit_permissions( chat, user, until_date=0, send_messages=True, ) msg = self.strings("inline_unmuted").format( utils.get_link(user), get_full_name(user), utils.get_link(adm), get_full_name(adm), ) try: await self.inline.bot.edit_message_text( msg, inline_message_id=call.inline_message_id, parse_mode="HTML", disable_web_page_preview=False, ) except Exception: await self._client.send_message(chat, msg) elif action == "dw": if not owner and not p.admin_rights.ban_users: await call.answer("Not enough rights!") return fed = await self.find_fed(chat) self.api.request( { "action": "forgive user warn", "args": {"uid": self.api.feds[fed]["uid"], "user": user.id}, } ) msg = self.strings("inline_unwarned").format( utils.get_link(user), get_full_name(user), utils.get_link(adm), get_full_name(adm), ) try: await self.inline.bot.edit_message_text( msg, inline_message_id=call.inline_message_id, parse_mode="HTML", disable_web_page_preview=False, ) except Exception: await self._client.send_message(chat, msg) elif action == "ufb": if not owner and not p.admin_rights.ban_users: await call.answer("Not enough rights!") return m = await self._client.send_message( chat, f"{self.get_prefix()}funban {user.id}" ) await self.funbancmd(m) await m.delete() msg = self.strings("inline_funbanned").format( utils.get_link(user), get_full_name(user), utils.get_link(adm), get_full_name(adm), ) try: await self.inline.bot.edit_message_text( msg, inline_message_id=call.inline_message_id, parse_mode="HTML", disable_web_page_preview=False, ) except Exception: await self._client.send_message(chat, msg) elif action == "ufm": if not owner and not p.admin_rights.ban_users: await call.answer("Not enough rights!") return m = await self._client.send_message( chat, f"{self.get_prefix()}funmute {user.id}" ) await self.funmutecmd(m) await m.delete() msg = self.strings("inline_funmuted").format( utils.get_link(user), get_full_name(user), utils.get_link(adm), get_full_name(adm), ) try: await self.inline.bot.edit_message_text( msg, inline_message_id=call.inline_message_id, parse_mode="HTML", disable_web_page_preview=False, ) except Exception: await self._client.send_message(chat, msg) elif action == "fb": if not owner and not p.admin_rights.ban_users: await call.answer("Not enough rights!") return m = await self._client.send_message( chat, f"{self.get_prefix()}fban {user.id}" ) await self.fbancmd(m) await m.delete() msg = self.strings("inline_fbanned").format( utils.get_link(user), get_full_name(user), utils.get_link(adm), get_full_name(adm), ) try: await self.inline.bot.edit_message_text( msg, inline_message_id=call.inline_message_id, parse_mode="HTML", disable_web_page_preview=False, ) except Exception: await self._client.send_message(chat, msg) elif action == "m": if not owner and not p.admin_rights.ban_users: await call.answer("Not enough rights!") return await self.mute(chat, user, 0, silent=True) msg = self.strings("inline_muted").format( utils.get_link(user), get_full_name(user), utils.get_link(adm), get_full_name(adm), ) try: await self.inline.bot.edit_message_text( msg, inline_message_id=call.inline_message_id, parse_mode="HTML", disable_web_page_preview=False, ) except Exception: await self._client.send_message(chat, msg) elif action == "d": if not owner and not p.admin_rights.delete_messages: await call.answer("Not enough rights!") return msg = self.strings("inline_deleted").format( utils.get_link(adm), get_full_name(adm), ) await self.inline.bot.edit_message_text( msg, inline_message_id=call.inline_message_id, parse_mode="HTML", disable_web_page_preview=False, ) else: return if msg_id is not None: await self._client.delete_messages(chat, message_ids=[msg_id]) async def args_parser( self, message: Message, include_force: bool = False, include_silent: bool = False, ) -> tuple: """Get args from message""" args = " " + utils.get_args_raw(message) if include_force and " -f" in args: force = True args = args.replace(" -f", "") else: force = False if include_silent and " -s" in args: silent = True args = args.replace(" -s", "") else: silent = False args = args.strip() reply = await message.get_reply_message() if reply and not args: return ( (await self._client.get_entity(reply.sender_id)), 0, utils.escape_html(self.strings("no_reason")).strip(), *((force,) if include_force else []), *((silent,) if include_silent else []), ) try: a = args.split()[0] if str(a).isdigit(): a = int(a) user = await self._client.get_entity(a) except Exception: try: user = await self._client.get_entity(reply.sender_id) except Exception: return False t = ([arg for arg in args.split() if self.convert_time(arg)] or ["0"])[0] args = args.replace(t, "").replace(" ", " ") t = self.convert_time(t) if not reply: try: args = " ".join(args.split()[1:]) except Exception: pass if time.time() + t >= 2208978000: # 01.01.2040 00:00:00 t = 0 return ( user, t, utils.escape_html(args or self.strings("no_reason")).strip(), *((force,) if include_force else []), *((silent,) if include_silent else []), ) async def find_fed(self, message: typing.Union[Message, int]) -> str: """Find if chat belongs to any federation""" return next( ( federation for federation, info in self.api.feds.items() if str( utils.get_chat_id(message) if isinstance(message, Message) else message ) in list(map(str, info["chats"])) ), None, ) @error_handler async def punish( self, chat_id: int, user: typing.Union[int, Channel, User], violation: str, action: str, user_name: str, fulltime: bool = False, message: Message = None, ): """ Callback, called if the protection is triggered Queue is being used to prevent spammy behavior It is being processed in a loop `_punish_queue_handler` """ self._punish_queue += [ [chat_id, user, violation, action, user_name, fulltime, message] ] @error_handler async def purgecmd(self, message: Message): """[user(-s)] - Clean message history starting from replied one""" if not message.is_reply: await utils.answer(message, self.strings("from_where", message)) return from_users = set() args = utils.get_args(message) for arg in args: try: entity = await message.client.get_entity(arg) if isinstance(entity, User): from_users.add(entity.id) except ValueError: pass messages = [] async for msg in self._client.iter_messages( entity=message.peer_id, min_id=message.reply_to_msg_id - 1, reverse=True, ): logger.debug(msg) if (not from_users or msg.sender_id in from_users) and ( not getattr(message.reply_to, "forum_topic", False) or msg.reply_to and (msg.reply_to.reply_to_top_id or msg.reply_to.reply_to_msg_id) == ( message.reply_to.reply_to_top_id or message.reply_to.reply_to_msg_id ) ): messages += [msg.id] if len(messages) >= 99: await self._client.delete_messages(message.peer_id, messages) messages.clear() if messages: await self._client.delete_messages(message.peer_id, messages) async def delcmd(self, message): """Delete the replied message""" await self._client.delete_messages( message.peer_id, [ ( ( await self._client.iter_messages( message.peer_id, 1, max_id=message.id ).__anext__() ) if not message.is_reply else (await message.get_reply_message()) ).id, message.id, ], ) @loader.loop(interval=0.5, autostart=True) async def _punish_queue_handler(self): while self._punish_queue: ( chat_id, user, violation, action, user_name, fulltime, message, ) = self._punish_queue.pop() if str(chat_id) not in self._flood_fw_protection: self._flood_fw_protection[str(chat_id)] = {} if ( self._flood_fw_protection[str(chat_id)].get(str(user.id), 0) >= time.time() ): continue comment = None if action == "ban": comment = "banned him" await self.ban( chat_id, user, 0, violation, silent=str(chat_id) in self._ban_ninja or self.config["silent"], ) elif action == "fban": comment = "f-banned him" await self.fbancmd( await self._client.send_message( chat_id, f"{self.get_prefix()}fban {user.id} {violation}", ) ) elif action == "delmsg": # Do nothing... ... elif action == "kick": comment = "kicked him" await self._client.kick_participant(chat_id, user) elif action == "mute": if fulltime: comment = "muted him forever" await self.mute( chat_id, user, 0, violation, silent=str(chat_id) in self._ban_ninja or self.config["silent"], ) else: comment = "muted him for 1 hour" await self.mute( chat_id, user, 60 * 60, violation, silent=str(chat_id) in self._ban_ninja or self.config["silent"], ) elif action == "warn": comment = "warned him" warn_msg = await self._client.send_message( chat_id, f".warn {user.id} {violation}" ) await self.allmodules.commands["warn"](warn_msg) await warn_msg.delete() if message is not None: try: await self.inline.bot.delete_message( int(f"-100{chat_id}"), message.id, ) except Exception: with contextlib.suppress(Exception): await message.delete() if not comment: continue if str(chat_id) not in self._ban_ninja and not self.config["silent"]: self._flood_fw_protection[str(chat_id)][str(user.id)] = round( time.time() + 10 ) await self._client.send_message( chat_id, self.strings(violation).format( utils.get_link(user), user_name, comment, ), ) @error_handler async def versioncmd(self, message: Message): """Get module info""" await utils.answer( message, self.strings("version").format( ver, ( "โœ… Connected" if self.api._connected else ("๐Ÿ” Connecting..." if self.api._inited else "๐Ÿ—ƒ Local") ), ), ) @error_handler @chat_command async def deletedcmd(self, message: Message): """Remove deleted accounts from chat""" chat = await message.get_chat() if not chat.admin_rights and not chat.creator: await utils.answer(message, self.strings("not_admin")) return kicked = 0 message = await utils.answer(message, self.strings("cleaning")) async for user in self._client.iter_participants(chat): if user.deleted: try: await self._client.kick_participant(chat, user) await self._client.edit_permissions( chat, user, until_date=0, **{right: True for right in BANNED_RIGHTS.keys()}, ) kicked += 1 except Exception: pass await utils.answer(message, self.strings("deleted").format(kicked)) @error_handler @chat_command async def fcleancmd(self, message: Message): """Remove deleted accounts from federation""" fed = await self.find_fed(message) if not fed: await utils.answer(message, self.strings("no_fed")) return chats = self.api.feds[fed]["chats"] cleaned_in = [] cleaned_in_c = [] message = await utils.answer(message, self.strings("fcleaning")) overall = 0 for c in chats: try: if str(c).isdigit(): c = int(c) chat = await self._client.get_entity(c) except Exception: continue if not chat.admin_rights and not chat.creator: continue try: kicked = 0 async for user in self._client.iter_participants(chat): if user.deleted: try: await self._client.kick_participant(chat, user) await self._client.edit_permissions( chat, user, until_date=0, **{right: True for right in BANNED_RIGHTS.keys()}, ) kicked += 1 except Exception: pass overall += kicked cleaned_in += [ "๐Ÿ‘ฅ <a" f' href="{utils.get_link(chat)}">{utils.escape_html(chat.title)}</a>' f" - {kicked}" ] except UserAdminInvalidError: pass if str(c) in self._linked_channels and self._linked_channels[str(c)]: channel = await self._client.get_entity(self._linked_channels[str(c)]) kicked = 0 try: async for user in self._client.iter_participants( self._linked_channels[str(c)] ): if user.deleted: try: await self._client.kick_participant( self._linked_channels[str(c)], user, ) await self._client.edit_permissions( self._linked_channels[str(c)], user, until_date=0, **{right: True for right in BANNED_RIGHTS.keys()}, ) kicked += 1 except Exception: pass overall += kicked cleaned_in_c += [ "<emoji document_id=5213203794619277246>๐Ÿ“ฃ</emoji> <a" f' href="{utils.get_link(channel)}">{utils.escape_html(channel.title)}</a>' f" - {kicked}" ] except ChatAdminRequiredError: pass await utils.answer( message, self.strings("deleted").format(overall) + "\n\n<b>" + "\n".join(cleaned_in) + "</b>" + "\n\n<b>" + "\n".join(cleaned_in_c) + "</b>", ) @error_handler @chat_command async def newfedcmd(self, message: Message): """<shortname> <name> - Create new federation""" args = utils.get_args_raw(message) if not args or args.count(" ") == 0: await utils.answer(message, self.strings("args")) return shortname, name = args.split(maxsplit=1) if shortname in self.api.feds: await utils.answer(message, self.strings("fedexists")) return self.api.request( { "action": "create federation", "args": {"shortname": shortname, "name": name}, }, message, ) await utils.answer(message, self.strings("newfed").format(name)) async def inline__confirm_rmfed(self, call: CallbackQuery, args: str): name = self.api.feds[args]["name"] self.api.request( {"action": "delete federation", "args": {"uid": self.api.feds[args]["uid"]}} ) await call.edit(self.strings("rmfed").format(name)) @error_handler @chat_command async def rmfedcmd(self, message: Message): """<shortname> - Remove federation""" args = utils.get_args_raw(message) if not args: await utils.answer(message, self.strings("args")) return if args not in self.api.feds: await utils.answer(message, self.strings("fed404")) return await self.inline.form( self.strings("confirm_rmfed").format( utils.escape_html(self.api.feds[args]["name"]) ), message=message, reply_markup=[ { "text": self.strings("confirm_rmfed_btn"), "callback": self.inline__confirm_rmfed, "args": (args,), }, { "text": self.strings("decline_rmfed_btn"), "action": "close", }, ], silent=True, ) @error_handler @chat_command async def fpromotecmd(self, message: Message): """<user> - Promote user in federation""" fed = await self.find_fed(message) if not fed: await utils.answer(message, self.strings("no_fed")) return reply = await message.get_reply_message() args = utils.get_args_raw(message) if not reply and not args: await utils.answer(message, self.strings("args")) return user = reply.sender_id if reply else args try: try: if str(user).isdigit(): user = int(user) obj = await self._client.get_entity(user) except Exception: await utils.answer(message, self.strings("args")) return name = get_full_name(obj) except Exception: await utils.answer(message, self.strings("args")) return self.api.request( { "action": "promote user in federation", "args": {"uid": self.api.feds[fed]["uid"], "user": obj.id}, }, message, ) await utils.answer( message, self.strings("fpromoted").format( utils.get_link(obj), name, self.api.feds[fed]["name"], ), ) @error_handler @chat_command async def fdemotecmd(self, message: Message): """<shortname> <reply|user> - Demote user in federation""" fed = await self.find_fed(message) if not fed: await utils.answer(message, self.strings("no_fed")) return reply = await message.get_reply_message() args = utils.get_args_raw(message) if not reply and not args: await utils.answer(message, self.strings("args")) return user = reply.sender_id if reply else args try: try: if str(user).isdigit(): user = int(user) obj = await self._client.get_entity(user) except Exception: await utils.answer(message, self.strings("args")) return user = obj.id name = get_full_name(obj) except Exception: logger.exception("Parsing entity exception") name = "User" self.api.request( { "action": "demote user in federation", "args": {"uid": self.api.feds[fed]["uid"], "user": obj.id}, }, message, ) await utils.answer( message, self.strings("fdemoted").format( user, name, self.api.feds[fed]["name"], ), ) @error_handler @chat_command async def faddcmd(self, message: Message): """<fed name> - Add chat to federation""" args = utils.get_args_raw(message) if not args: await utils.answer(message, self.strings("args")) return if args not in self.api.feds: await utils.answer(message, self.strings("fed404")) return chat = utils.get_chat_id(message) self.api.request( { "action": "add chat to federation", "args": {"uid": self.api.feds[args]["uid"], "cid": chat}, }, message, ) await utils.answer( message, self.strings("fadded").format( self.api.feds[args]["name"], ), ) @error_handler @chat_command async def frmcmd(self, message: Message): """Remove chat from federation""" fed = await self.find_fed(message) if not fed: await utils.answer(message, self.strings("fed404")) return chat = utils.get_chat_id(message) self.api.request( { "action": "remove chat from federation", "args": {"uid": self.api.feds[fed]["uid"], "cid": chat}, }, message, ) await utils.answer( message, self.strings("frem").format( self.api.feds[fed]["name"], ), ) @loader.command( ru_doc=( "<ั€ะตะฟะปะฐะน | ัŽะทะตั€> [ะฟั€ะธั‡ะธะฝะฐ] [-s] - ะ—ะฐะฑะปะพะบะธั€ะพะฒะฐั‚ัŒ ะฟะพะปัŒะทะพะฒะฐั‚ะตะปั ะฒะพ ะฒัะตั… ั‡ะฐั‚ะฐั…," " ะณะดะต ั‚ั‹ ะฐะดะผะธะฝ" ) ) async def gban(self, message: Message): """<reply|user> [reason] [-s] - Ban user in all chats where you are admin""" reply = await message.get_reply_message() args = utils.get_args_raw(message) if not reply and not args: await utils.answer(message, self.strings("args")) return a = await self.args_parser(message, include_silent=True) if not a: await utils.answer(message, self.strings("args")) return user, t, reason, silent = a message = await utils.answer( message, self.strings("gbanning").format( utils.get_entity_url(user), utils.escape_html(get_full_name(user)), ), ) if not self._gban_cache or self._gban_cache["exp"] < time.time(): self._gban_cache = { "exp": int(time.time()) + 10 * 60, "chats": [ chat.entity.id async for chat in self._client.iter_dialogs() if ( ( isinstance(chat.entity, Chat) or ( isinstance(chat.entity, Channel) and getattr(chat.entity, "megagroup", False) ) ) and chat.entity.admin_rights and chat.entity.participants_count > 5 and chat.entity.admin_rights.ban_users ) ], } chats = "" counter = 0 for chat in self._gban_cache["chats"]: try: await self.ban(chat, user, 0, reason, silent=True) except Exception: pass else: chats += 'โ–ซ๏ธ <b><a href="{}">{}</a></b>\n'.format( utils.get_entity_url(await self._client.get_entity(chat, exp=0)), utils.escape_html( get_full_name(await self._client.get_entity(chat, exp=0)) ), ) counter += 1 await utils.answer( message, self.strings("gban").format( utils.get_entity_url(user), utils.escape_html(get_full_name(user)), reason, self.strings("in_n_chats").format(counter) if silent else chats, ), ) @loader.command( ru_doc=( "<ั€ะตะฟะปะฐะน | ัŽะทะตั€> [ะฟั€ะธั‡ะธะฝะฐ] [-s] - ะ ะฐะทะฑะปะพะบะธั€ะพะฒะฐั‚ัŒ ะฟะพะปัŒะทะพะฒะฐั‚ะตะปั ะฒะพ ะฒัะตั…" " ั‡ะฐั‚ะฐั…, ะณะดะต ั‚ั‹ ะฐะดะผะธะฝ" ) ) async def gunban(self, message: Message): """<reply|user> [reason] [-s] - Unban user in all chats where you are admin""" reply = await message.get_reply_message() args = utils.get_args_raw(message) if not reply and not args: await utils.answer(message, self.strings("args")) return a = await self.args_parser(message, include_silent=True) if not a: await utils.answer(message, self.strings("args")) return user, t, reason, silent = a message = await utils.answer( message, self.strings("gunbanning").format( utils.get_entity_url(user), utils.escape_html(get_full_name(user)), ), ) if not self._gban_cache or self._gban_cache["exp"] < time.time(): self._gban_cache = { "exp": int(time.time()) + 10 * 60, "chats": [ chat.entity.id async for chat in self._client.iter_dialogs() if ( ( isinstance(chat.entity, Chat) or ( isinstance(chat.entity, Channel) and getattr(chat.entity, "megagroup", False) ) ) and chat.entity.admin_rights and chat.entity.participants_count > 5 and chat.entity.admin_rights.ban_users ) ], } chats = "" counter = 0 for chat in self._gban_cache["chats"]: try: await self._client.edit_permissions( chat, user, until_date=0, **{right: True for right in BANNED_RIGHTS.keys()}, ) except Exception: pass else: chats += 'โ–ซ๏ธ <b><a href="{}">{}</a></b>\n'.format( utils.get_entity_url(await self._client.get_entity(chat, exp=0)), utils.escape_html( get_full_name(await self._client.get_entity(chat, exp=0)) ), ) counter += 1 await utils.answer( message, self.strings("gunban").format( utils.get_entity_url(user), utils.escape_html(get_full_name(user)), ( self.strings("unbanned_in_n_chats").format(counter) if silent else chats ), ), ) @error_handler @chat_command async def fbancmd(self, message: Message): """<reply | user> [reason] - Ban user in federation""" fed = await self.find_fed(message) if not fed: await utils.answer(message, self.strings("no_fed")) return a = await self.args_parser(message, include_force=True) if not a: await utils.answer(message, self.strings("args")) return user, t, reason, force = a if not force and user.id in list(map(int, self.api.feds[fed]["fdef"])): await utils.answer(message, self.strings("fdef403").format("fban")) return chats = self.api.feds[fed]["chats"] banned_in = [] for c in chats: try: if str(c).isdigit(): c = int(c) chat = await self._client.get_entity(c) except Exception: continue if not chat.admin_rights and not chat.creator: continue try: await self.ban(chat, user, t, reason, message, silent=True) banned_in += [ f'<a href="{utils.get_link(chat)}">{get_full_name(chat)}</a>' ] except Exception: pass msg = ( self.strings("fban").format( utils.get_link(user), get_first_name(user), self.api.feds[fed]["name"], f"for {t // 60} min(-s)" if t else "forever", reason, self.get("punish_suffix", ""), ) + "\n\n<b>" + "\n".join(banned_in) + "</b>" ) if self._is_inline: punishment_info = { "reply_markup": { "text": self.strings("btn_funban"), "data": f"ufb/{utils.get_chat_id(message)}/{user.id}", }, } if self.get("logchat"): await utils.answer(message, msg) await self.inline.form( text=self.strings("fban").format( utils.get_link(user), get_first_name(user), self.api.feds[fed]["name"], f"for {t // 60} min(-s)" if t else "forever", reason, "", ) + "<b>" + "\n".join(banned_in) + "</b>", message=self.get("logchat"), **punishment_info, silent=True, ) else: await self.inline.form( text=msg, message=message, **punishment_info, silent=True ) else: await utils.answer(message, msg) self.api.request( { "action": "clear all user warns", "args": { "uid": self.api.feds[fed]["uid"], "user": user.id, "silent": True, }, }, message, ) reply = await message.get_reply_message() if reply: await reply.delete() @error_handler @chat_command async def punishsuffcmd(self, message: Message): """Set new punishment suffix""" if not utils.get_args_raw(message): self.set("punish_suffix", "") await utils.answer(message, self.strings("suffix_removed")) else: suffix = utils.get_args_raw(message) self.set("punish_suffix", suffix) await utils.answer(message, self.strings("suffix_updated").format(suffix)) @error_handler @chat_command async def sethclogcmd(self, message: Message): """Set logchat""" if not utils.get_args_raw(message): self.set("logchat", "") await utils.answer(message, self.strings("logchat_removed")) return logchat = utils.get_args_raw(message) if logchat.isdigit(): logchat = int(logchat) try: logchat = await self._client.get_entity(logchat) except Exception: await utils.answer(message, self.strings("logchat_invalid")) return self.set("logchat", logchat.id) await utils.answer( message, self.strings("logchat_set").format(utils.escape_html(logchat.title)), ) @error_handler @chat_command async def funbancmd(self, message: Message): """<user> [reason] - Unban user in federation""" fed = await self.find_fed(message) if not fed: await utils.answer(message, self.strings("no_fed")) return a = await self.args_parser(message) if not a: await utils.answer(message, self.strings("args")) return user, _, _ = a chats = self.api.feds[fed]["chats"] unbanned_in = [] for c in chats: try: if str(c).isdigit(): c = int(c) chat = await self._client.get_entity(c) except Exception: continue if not chat.admin_rights and not chat.creator: continue try: await self._client.edit_permissions( chat, user, until_date=0, **{right: True for right in BANNED_RIGHTS.keys()}, ) unbanned_in += [chat.title] except UserAdminInvalidError: pass m = ( self.strings("funban").format( utils.get_link(user), get_first_name(user), self.api.feds[fed]["name"], ) + "<b>" + "\n".join(unbanned_in) + "</b>" ) if self.get("logchat"): await self._client.send_message(self.get("logchat"), m) await utils.answer(message, m) @error_handler @chat_command async def fmutecmd(self, message: Message): """<reply | user> [reason] - Mute user in federation""" fed = await self.find_fed(message) if not fed: await utils.answer(message, self.strings("no_fed")) return a = await self.args_parser(message, include_force=True) if not a: await utils.answer(message, self.strings("args")) return user, t, reason, force = a if not force and user.id in list(map(int, self.api.feds[fed]["fdef"])): await utils.answer(message, self.strings("fdef403").format("fmute")) return chats = self.api.feds[fed]["chats"] muted_in = [] for c in chats: try: if str(c).isdigit(): c = int(c) chat = await self._client.get_entity(c) except Exception: continue if not chat.admin_rights and not chat.creator: continue try: await self.mute(chat, user, t, reason, message, silent=True) muted_in += [ f'<a href="{utils.get_link(chat)}">{get_full_name(chat)}</a>' ] except Exception: pass msg = ( self.strings("fmute").format( utils.get_link(user), get_first_name(user), self.api.feds[fed]["name"], f"for {t // 60} min(-s)" if t else "forever", reason, self.get("punish_suffix", ""), ) + "\n\n<b>" + "\n".join(muted_in) + "</b>" ) if self._is_inline: punishment_info = { "reply_markup": { "text": self.strings("btn_funmute"), "data": f"ufm/{utils.get_chat_id(message)}/{user.id}", }, } if self.get("logchat"): await utils.answer(message, msg) await self.inline.form( text=self.strings("fmute").format( utils.get_link(user), get_first_name(user), self.api.feds[fed]["name"], f"for {t // 60} min(-s)" if t else "forever", reason, "", ) + "\n\n<b>" + "\n".join(muted_in) + "</b>", message=self.get("logchat"), **punishment_info, silent=True, ) else: await self.inline.form( text=msg, message=message, **punishment_info, silent=True ) else: await utils.answer(message, msg) @error_handler @chat_command async def funmutecmd(self, message: Message): """<user> [reason] - Unban user in federation""" fed = await self.find_fed(message) if not fed: await utils.answer(message, self.strings("no_fed")) return a = await self.args_parser(message) if not a: await utils.answer(message, self.strings("args")) return user, _, _ = a chats = self.api.feds[fed]["chats"] unbanned_in = [] for c in chats: try: if str(c).isdigit(): c = int(c) chat = await self._client.get_entity(c) except Exception: continue if not chat.admin_rights and not chat.creator: continue try: await self._client.edit_permissions( chat, user, until_date=0, **{right: True for right in BANNED_RIGHTS.keys()}, ) unbanned_in += [chat.title] except UserAdminInvalidError: pass msg = ( self.strings("funmute").format( utils.get_link(user), get_first_name(user), self.api.feds[fed]["name"], ) + "\n\n<b>" + "\n".join(unbanned_in) + "</b>" ) await utils.answer(message, msg) if self.get("logchat"): await self._client.send_message(self.get("logchat"), msg) @error_handler @chat_command async def kickcmd(self, message: Message): """<user> [reason] - Kick user""" chat = await message.get_chat() if not chat.admin_rights and not chat.creator: await utils.answer(message, self.strings("not_admin")) return reply = await message.get_reply_message() args = utils.get_args_raw(message) user, reason = None, None try: if reply: user = await self._client.get_entity(reply.sender_id) reason = args or self.strings else: uid = args.split(maxsplit=1)[0] if str(uid).isdigit(): uid = int(uid) user = await self._client.get_entity(uid) reason = ( args.split(maxsplit=1)[1] if len(args.split(maxsplit=1)) > 1 else self.strings("no_reason") ) except Exception: await utils.answer(message, self.strings("args")) return try: await self._client.kick_participant(utils.get_chat_id(message), user) msg = self.strings("kick").format( utils.get_link(user), get_first_name(user), reason, self.get("punish_suffix", ""), ) await utils.answer(message, msg) if self.get("logchat"): await self._client.send_message( self.get("logchat"), self.strings("kick_log").format( utils.get_link(user), get_first_name(user), utils.get_link(chat), get_first_name(chat), reason, "", ), ) except UserAdminInvalidError: await utils.answer(message, self.strings("not_admin")) return @error_handler @chat_command async def bancmd(self, message: Message): """<user> [reason] - Ban user""" chat = await message.get_chat() a = await self.args_parser(message, include_force=True) if not a: await utils.answer(message, self.strings("args")) return user, t, reason, force = a if not chat.admin_rights and not chat.creator: await utils.answer(message, self.strings("not_admin")) return fed = await self.find_fed(message) if ( not force and fed in self.api.feds and user.id in list(map(int, self.api.feds[fed]["fdef"])) ): await utils.answer(message, self.strings("fdef403").format("ban")) return try: await self.ban(chat, user, t, reason, message) except UserAdminInvalidError: await utils.answer(message, self.strings("not_admin")) return @error_handler @chat_command async def mutecmd(self, message: Message): """<user> [time] [reason] - Mute user""" chat = await message.get_chat() a = await self.args_parser(message, include_force=True) if not a: await utils.answer(message, self.strings("args")) return user, t, reason, force = a if not chat.admin_rights and not chat.creator: await utils.answer(message, self.strings("not_admin")) return fed = await self.find_fed(message) if ( not force and fed in self.api.feds and user.id in list(map(int, self.api.feds[fed]["fdef"])) ): await utils.answer(message, self.strings("fdef403").format("mute")) return try: await self.mute(chat, user, t, reason, message) except UserAdminInvalidError: await utils.answer(message, self.strings("not_admin")) return @error_handler @chat_command async def unmutecmd(self, message: Message): """<reply | user> - Unmute user""" chat = await message.get_chat() if not chat.admin_rights and not chat.creator: await utils.answer(message, self.strings("not_admin")) return reply = await message.get_reply_message() args = utils.get_args_raw(message) user = None try: if args.isdigit(): args = int(args) user = await self._client.get_entity(args) except Exception: try: user = await self._client.get_entity(reply.sender_id) except Exception: await utils.answer(message, self.strings("args")) return try: await self._client.edit_permissions( chat, user, until_date=0, send_messages=True, ) msg = self.strings("unmuted").format( utils.get_link(user), get_first_name(user) ) await utils.answer(message, msg) if self.get("logchat"): await self._client.send_message( self.get("logchat"), self.strings("unmuted_log").format( utils.get_link(user), get_first_name(user), utils.get_link(chat), get_first_name(chat), ), ) except UserAdminInvalidError: await utils.answer(message, self.strings("not_admin")) return @error_handler @chat_command async def unbancmd(self, message: Message): """<user> - Unban user""" chat = await message.get_chat() if not chat.admin_rights and not chat.creator: await utils.answer(message, self.strings("not_admin")) return reply = await message.get_reply_message() args = utils.get_args_raw(message) user = None try: if args.isdigit(): args = int(args) user = await self._client.get_entity(args) except Exception: try: user = await self._client.get_entity(reply.sender_id) except Exception: await utils.answer(message, self.strings("args")) return try: await self._client.edit_permissions( chat, user, until_date=0, **{right: True for right in BANNED_RIGHTS.keys()}, ) msg = self.strings("unban").format( utils.get_link(user), get_first_name(user) ) await utils.answer(message, msg) if self.get("logchat"): await self._client.send_message( self.get("logchat"), self.strings("unban_log").format( utils.get_link(user), get_first_name(user), utils.get_link(chat), get_first_name(chat), ), ) except UserAdminInvalidError: await utils.answer(message, self.strings("not_admin")) return @error_handler async def protectscmd(self, message: Message): """typing.List available filters""" await utils.answer( message, ( self.strings("protections") if self.api._inited else "\n".join( [ line for line in self.strings("protections").splitlines() if "antinsfw" not in line.lower() and "report" not in line.lower() ] ) ), ) @error_handler async def fedscmd(self, message: Message): """typing.List federations""" res = self.strings("feds_header") if not self.api.feds: await utils.answer(message, self.strings("no_federations")) return for shortname, config in self.api.feds.copy().items(): res += f" โ˜ฎ๏ธ <b>{config['name']}</b> (<code>{shortname}</code>)" for chat in config["chats"]: try: if str(chat).isdigit(): chat = int(chat) c = await self._client.get_entity(chat) except Exception: continue res += ( "\n <b>- <a" f" href=\"tg://resolve?domain={getattr(c, 'username', '')}\">{c.title}</a></b>" ) res += ( "\n <b><emoji document_id=5193091781327068499>๐Ÿ‘ฎโ€โ™€๏ธ</emoji>" f" {len(config.get('warns', []))} warns</b>\n\n" ) await utils.answer(message, res) @error_handler @chat_command async def fedcmd(self, message: Message): """<shortname> - Info about federation""" args = utils.get_args_raw(message) chat = utils.get_chat_id(message) fed = await self.find_fed(message) if (not args or args not in self.api.feds) and not fed: await utils.answer(message, self.strings("no_fed")) return if not args or args not in self.api.feds: args = fed res = self.strings("fed") fed = args admins = "" for admin in self.api.feds[fed]["admins"]: try: if str(admin).isdigit(): admin = int(admin) user = await self._client.get_entity(admin) except Exception: continue name = get_full_name(user) status = ( "<code> ๐Ÿงƒ online</code>" if isinstance(getattr(user, "status", None), UserStatusOnline) else "" ) admins += ( f' <b>๐Ÿ‘ค <a href="{utils.get_link(user)}">{name}</a></b>{status}\n' ) chats = "" channels = "" for chat in self.api.feds[fed]["chats"]: try: if str(chat).isdigit(): chat = int(chat) c = await self._client.get_entity(chat) except Exception: continue if str(chat) in self._linked_channels: try: channel = await self._client.get_entity( self._linked_channels[str(chat)] ) channels += ( " <b><emoji document_id=5213203794619277246>๐Ÿ“ฃ</emoji> <a" f' href="{utils.get_link(channel)}">{utils.escape_html(channel.title)}</a></b>\n' ) except Exception: pass chats += ( " <b>๐Ÿซ‚ <a" f' href="{utils.get_link(c)}">{utils.escape_html(c.title)}</a></b>\n' ) await utils.answer( message, res.format( self.api.feds[fed]["name"], chats or "-", channels or "-", admins or "-", len(self.api.feds[fed].get("warns", [])), ), ) @error_handler @chat_command async def pchatcmd(self, message: Message): """typing.List protection for current chat""" chat_id = utils.get_chat_id(message) try: await self.inline.form( message=message, **(await self.get_config(chat_id)), manual_security=True, silent=True, ) except KeyError: await utils.answer(message, self.strings("no_protects")) @error_handler @chat_command async def warncmd(self, message: Message): """<user> - Warn user""" chat = await message.get_chat() if not chat.admin_rights and not chat.creator: await utils.answer(message, self.strings("not_admin")) return args = utils.get_args_raw(message) if " -f" in args: args = args.replace(" -f", "") force = True else: force = False reply = await message.get_reply_message() user = None if reply: user = await self._client.get_entity(reply.sender_id) reason = args or self.strings("no_reason") else: try: u = args.split(maxsplit=1)[0] if u.isdigit(): u = int(u) user = await self._client.get_entity(u) except IndexError: await utils.answer(message, self.strings("args")) return try: reason = args.split(maxsplit=1)[1] except IndexError: reason = self.strings("no_reason") fed = await self.find_fed(message) if not fed: await utils.answer(message, self.strings("no_fed")) return if not force and user.id in list(map(int, self.api.feds[fed]["fdef"])): await utils.answer(message, self.strings("fdef403").format("warn")) return self.api.request( { "action": "warn user", "args": { "uid": self.api.feds[fed]["uid"], "user": user.id, "reason": reason, }, }, message, ) warns = self.api.feds[fed].get("warns", {}).get(str(user.id), []) + [reason] if len(warns) >= self.config["warns_limit"]: user_name = get_first_name(user) chats = self.api.feds[fed]["chats"] for c in chats: if str(c).isdigit(): c = int(str(c)) await self._client( EditBannedRequest( c, user, ChatBannedRights( until_date=time.time() + 60**2 * 24 * 7, send_messages=True, ), ) ) if c == utils.get_chat_id(message): await self._client.send_message( c, self.strings("warns_limit").format( utils.get_link(user), user_name, "muted him in federation for 7 days", ), ) if message.out: await message.delete() self.api.request( { "action": "clear all user warns", "args": {"uid": self.api.feds[fed]["uid"], "user": user.id}, }, message, ) else: msg = self.strings("fwarn", message).format( utils.get_link(user), get_first_name(user), len(warns), self.config["warns_limit"], reason, self.get("punish_suffix", ""), ) if self._is_inline: punishment_info = { "reply_markup": { "text": self.strings("btn_unwarn"), "data": f"dw/{utils.get_chat_id(message)}/{user.id}", }, } if self.get("logchat"): await utils.answer(message, msg) await self.inline.form( text=self.strings("fwarn", message).format( utils.get_link(user), get_first_name(user), len(warns), self.config["warns_limit"], reason, "", ), message=self.get("logchat"), **punishment_info, silent=True, ) else: await self.inline.form( text=msg, message=message, **punishment_info, silent=True ) else: await utils.answer(message, msg) @error_handler @chat_command async def warnscmd(self, message: Message): """[user] - Show warns in chat \\ of user""" chat_id = utils.get_chat_id(message) fed = await self.find_fed(message) async def check_member(user_id): try: await self._client.get_permissions(chat_id, user_id) return True except Exception: return False if not fed: await utils.answer(message, self.strings("no_fed")) return warns = self.api.feds[fed].get("warns", {}) if not warns: await utils.answer(message, self.strings("no_fed_warns")) return async def send_user_warns(usid): try: if int(usid) < 0: usid = int(str(usid)[4:]) except Exception: pass if not warns: await utils.answer(message, self.strings("no_fed_warns")) return if str(usid) not in warns or not warns[str(usid)]: user_obj = await self._client.get_entity(usid) await utils.answer( message, self.strings("no_warns").format( utils.get_link(user_obj), get_full_name(user_obj) ), ) else: user_obj = await self._client.get_entity(usid) _warns = "" processed = [] for warn in warns[str(usid)].copy(): if warn in processed: continue processed += [warn] _warns += ( "<emoji document_id=4974362561664254705>๐Ÿ›‘</emoji> <i>" + warn + ( f" </i><b>[x{warns[str(usid)].count(warn)}]</b><i>" if warns[str(usid)].count(warn) > 1 else "" ) + "</i>\n" ) await utils.answer( message, self.strings("warns").format( utils.get_link(user_obj), get_full_name(user_obj), len(warns[str(usid)]), self.config["warns_limit"], _warns, ), ) if not await self.check_admin(chat_id, message.sender_id): await send_user_warns(message.sender_id) else: reply = await message.get_reply_message() args = utils.get_args_raw(message) if not reply and not args: res = self.strings("warns_adm_fed") for user, _warns in warns.copy().items(): try: user_obj = await self._client.get_entity(int(user)) except Exception: continue if isinstance(user_obj, User): try: name = get_full_name(user_obj) except TypeError: continue else: name = user_obj.title res += ( "<emoji document_id=5467759840463953770>๐Ÿบ</emoji> <b><a" f' href="{utils.get_link(user_obj)}">' + name + "</a></b>\n" ) processed = [] for warn in _warns.copy(): if warn in processed: continue processed += [warn] res += ( "<code> </code>๐Ÿด๓ ง๓ ข๓ ฅ๓ ฎ๓ ง๓ ฟ <i>" + warn + ( f" </i><b>[x{_warns.count(warn)}]</b><i>" if _warns.count(warn) > 1 else "" ) + "</i>\n" ) await utils.answer(message, res) return elif reply: await send_user_warns(reply.sender_id) elif args: await send_user_warns(args) @error_handler @chat_command async def delwarncmd(self, message: Message): """<user> - Forgave last warn""" args = utils.get_args_raw(message) reply = await message.get_reply_message() user = None if reply: user = await self._client.get_entity(reply.sender_id) else: if args.isdigit(): args = int(args) try: user = await self._client.get_entity(args) except IndexError: await utils.answer(message, self.strings("args")) return fed = await self.find_fed(message) if not fed: await utils.answer(message, self.strings("no_fed")) return self.api.request( { "action": "forgive user warn", "args": {"uid": self.api.feds[fed]["uid"], "user": user.id}, }, message, ) msg = self.strings("dwarn_fed").format( utils.get_link(user), get_first_name(user) ) await utils.answer(message, msg) if self.get("logchat", False): await self._client.send_message(self.get("logchat"), msg) @error_handler @chat_command async def clrwarnscmd(self, message: Message): """<reply | user_id | username> - Remove all warns from user""" args = utils.get_args_raw(message) reply = await message.get_reply_message() user = None if reply: user = await self._client.get_entity(reply.sender_id) else: if args.isdigit(): args = int(args) try: user = await self._client.get_entity(args) except IndexError: await utils.answer(message, self.strings("args")) return fed = await self.find_fed(message) if not fed: await utils.answer(message, self.strings("no_fed")) return self.api.request( { "action": "clear all user warns", "args": {"uid": self.api.feds[fed]["uid"], "user": user.id}, }, message, ) await utils.answer( message, self.strings("clrwarns_fed").format( utils.get_link(user), get_first_name(user) ), ) @error_handler @chat_command async def clrallwarnscmd(self, message: Message): """Remove all warns from current federation""" fed = await self.find_fed(message) if not fed: await utils.answer(message, self.strings("no_fed")) return self.api.request( { "action": "clear federation warns", "args": {"uid": self.api.feds[fed]["uid"]}, }, message, ) await utils.answer(message, self.strings("clrallwarns_fed")) @error_handler @chat_command async def welcomecmd(self, message: Message): """<text> - Change welcome text""" chat_id = utils.get_chat_id(message) args = utils.get_args_raw(message) or "off" self.api.request( { "action": "update protections", "args": {"protection": "welcome", "state": args, "chat": chat_id}, }, message, ) if args and args != "off": await utils.answer(message, self.strings("welcome").format(args)) else: await utils.answer(message, self.strings("unwelcome")) @error_handler @chat_command async def fdefcmd(self, message: Message): """<user> - Toggle global user invulnerability""" fed = await self.find_fed(message) if not fed: await utils.answer(message, self.strings("no_fed")) return args = utils.get_args_raw(message) reply = await message.get_reply_message() user = None if reply: user = await self._client.get_entity(reply.sender_id) else: if str(args).isdigit(): args = int(args) try: user = await self._client.get_entity(args) except Exception: await utils.answer(message, self.strings("args")) return self.api.request( { "action": "protect user", "args": {"uid": self.api.feds[fed]["uid"], "user": user.id}, }, message, ) await utils.answer( message, self.strings("defense").format( utils.get_link(user), get_first_name(user), "on" if str(user.id) not in self.api.feds[fed]["fdef"] else "off", ), ) @error_handler @chat_command async def fsavecmd(self, message: Message): """<note name> <reply> - Save federative note""" fed = await self.find_fed(message) if not fed: await utils.answer(message, self.strings("no_fed")) return args = utils.get_args_raw(message) reply = await message.get_reply_message() if not reply or not args or not reply.text: await utils.answer(message, self.strings("fsave_args")) return self.api.request( { "action": "new note", "args": { "uid": self.api.feds[fed]["uid"], "shortname": args, "note": reply.text, }, }, message, ) await utils.answer(message, self.strings("fsave").format(args)) @error_handler @chat_command async def fstopcmd(self, message: Message): """<note name> - Remove federative note""" fed = await self.find_fed(message) if not fed: await utils.answer(message, self.strings("no_fed")) return args = utils.get_args_raw(message) if not args: await utils.answer(message, self.strings("fstop_args")) return self.api.request( { "action": "delete note", "args": {"uid": self.api.feds[fed]["uid"], "shortname": args}, }, message, ) await utils.answer(message, self.strings("fstop").format(args)) @error_handler @chat_command async def fnotescmd(self, message: Message, from_watcher: bool = False): """Show federative notes""" fed = await self.find_fed(message) if not fed: await utils.answer(message, self.strings("no_fed")) return res = {} cache = {} for shortname, note in self.api.feds[fed].get("notes", {}).items(): if int(note["creator"]) != self._tg_id and from_watcher: continue try: if int(note["creator"]) not in cache: obj = await self._client.get_entity(int(note["creator"])) cache[int(note["creator"])] = obj.first_name or obj.title key = ( f'<a href="{utils.get_link(obj)}">{cache[int(note["creator"])]}</a>' ) if key not in res: res[key] = "" res[key] += f" <code>{shortname}</code>\n" except Exception: key = "unknown" if key not in res: res[key] = "" res[key] += f" <code>{shortname}</code>\n" notes = "".join(f"\nby {owner}:\n{note}" for owner, note in res.items()) if not notes and not from_watcher: await utils.answer(message, self.strings("no_notes")) return if not notes: return await utils.answer(message, self.strings("fnotes").format(notes)) @error_handler @chat_command async def fdeflistcmd(self, message: Message): """Show global invulnerable users""" fed = await self.find_fed(message) if not fed: await utils.answer(message, self.strings("no_fed")) return if not self.api.feds[fed].get("fdef", []): await utils.answer(message, self.strings("no_defense")) return res = "" for user in self.api.feds[fed].get("fdef", []).copy(): try: u = await self._client.get_entity(int(user), exp=0) except Exception: self.api.request( { "action": "protect user", "args": {"uid": self.api.feds[fed]["uid"], "user": user}, }, message, ) await asyncio.sleep(0.2) continue tit = get_full_name(u) res += f' ๐Ÿ‡ป๐Ÿ‡ฆ <a href="{utils.get_link(u)}">{tit}</a>\n' await utils.answer(message, self.strings("defense_list").format(res)) return @error_handler @chat_command async def dmutecmd(self, message: Message): """Delete and mute""" reply = await message.get_reply_message() await self.mutecmd(message) await reply.delete() @error_handler @chat_command async def dbancmd(self, message: Message): """Delete and ban""" reply = await message.get_reply_message() await self.bancmd(message) await reply.delete() @error_handler @chat_command async def dwarncmd(self, message: Message): """Delete and warn""" reply = await message.get_reply_message() await self.warncmd(message) await reply.delete() @error_handler @chat_command async def frenamecmd(self, message: Message): """Rename federation""" args = utils.get_args_raw(message) fed = await self.find_fed(message) if not fed: await utils.answer(message, self.strings("no_fed")) return if not args: await utils.answer(message, self.strings("rename_noargs")) return self.api.request( { "action": "rename federation", "args": {"uid": self.api.feds[fed]["uid"], "name": args}, }, message, ) await utils.answer( message, self.strings("rename_success").format(utils.escape_html(args)), ) @error_handler @chat_command async def clnraidcmd(self, message: Message): """<number of users> - Clean raid""" args = utils.get_args_raw(message) if not args or not args.isdigit(): await utils.answer(message, self.strings("clnraid_args")) return args = min(int(args), 10000) await self.inline.form( message=message, text=self.strings("clnraid_confirm").format(args), reply_markup=[ { "text": self.strings("clnraid_yes"), "callback": self._clnraid, "args": (utils.get_chat_id(message), args), }, { "text": self.strings("clnraid_cancel"), "action": "close", }, ], silent=True, ) async def _clnraid( self, call: typing.Union[InlineCall, InlineMessage], chat_id: int, quantity: int, ) -> InlineCall: if call is not None: await call.edit(self.strings("clnraid_started").format(quantity)) deleted = 0 actually_deleted = 0 async for log_msg in self._client.iter_admin_log(chat_id, join=True): if deleted >= quantity: break deleted += 1 try: await self.inline.bot.kick_chat_member( int(f"-100{chat_id}"), log_msg.user.id, ) except Exception: logger.debug("Can't kick member", exc_info=True) else: actually_deleted += 1 if call is not None: await call.edit(self.strings("clnraid_complete").format(actually_deleted)) return call @error_handler async def myrightscmd(self, message: Message): """typing.List your admin rights in all chats""" if not PIL_AVAILABLE: await utils.answer(message, self.strings("pil_unavailable")) return message = await utils.answer(message, self.strings("processing_myrights")) rights = [] async for chat in self._client.iter_dialogs(): ent = chat.entity if ( not ( isinstance(ent, Chat) or (isinstance(ent, Channel) and getattr(ent, "megagroup", False)) ) or not ent.admin_rights or ent.participants_count < 5 ): continue r = ent.admin_rights rights += [ [ ent.title if len(ent.title) < 30 else f"{ent.title[:30]}...", "YES" if r.change_info else "-----", "YES" if r.delete_messages else "-----", "YES" if r.ban_users else "-----", "YES" if r.invite_users else "-----", "YES" if r.pin_messages else "-----", "YES" if r.add_admins else "-----", ] ] await self._client.send_file( message.peer_id, self.render_table( [ [ "Chat", "change_info", "delete_messages", "ban_users", "invite_users", "pin_messages", "add_admins", ] ] + rights ), ) if message.out: await message.delete() @error_handler async def p__antiservice(self, chat_id: typing.Union[str, int], message: Message): if ( self.api.should_protect(chat_id, "antiservice") and str(chat_id) not in self._ban_ninja and getattr(message, "action_message", False) ): if self.api.should_protect(chat_id, "captcha") and ( getattr(message, "user_joined", False) or getattr(message, "user_added", False) ): self._delete_soon += [(message, time.time() + 5 * 60)] return try: await self.inline.bot.delete_message( int(f"-100{chat_id}"), message.action_message.id, ) except Exception: await message.delete() async def _update_ban_ninja(self, chat_id: str): while ( chat_id in self._ban_ninja_forms and self._ban_ninja[chat_id] > time.time() ): try: await self._ban_ninja_forms[chat_id].edit( self.strings("smart_anti_raid_active").format( ( self.strings("forbid_messages") if self.config["close_on_raid"] else "" ), self._ban_ninja_progress[chat_id], ), { "text": self.strings("smart_anti_raid_off"), "callback": self.disable_smart_anti_raid, "args": (chat_id,), }, ) except Exception: pass await asyncio.sleep(15) try: await self.disable_smart_anti_raid(None, chat_id) except Exception: pass @error_handler async def p__banninja( self, chat_id: typing.Union[str, int], user_id: typing.Union[str, int], message: Message, ) -> bool: if not ( self.api.should_protect(chat_id, "banninja") and ( getattr(message, "user_joined", False) or getattr(message, "user_added", False) ) ): return False chat_id = str(chat_id) if chat_id in self._ban_ninja: if self._ban_ninja[chat_id] > time.time(): self._ban_ninja[chat_id] = time.time() + int( self.config["banninja_cooldown"] ) await self.inline.bot.kick_chat_member(int(f"-100{chat_id}"), user_id) self._ban_ninja_progress[chat_id] += 1 try: await self.inline.bot.delete_message( int(f"-100{chat_id}"), message.action_message.id, ) except MessageToDeleteNotFound: pass except MessageCantBeDeleted: await self._promote_bot(chat_id) await self.inline.bot.delete_message( int(f"-100{chat_id}"), message.action_message.id, ) logger.debug( f"BanNinja is active in chat {chat_id=}, I kicked {user_id=}" ) return True await self.disable_smart_anti_raid(None, chat_id) if chat_id not in self._join_ratelimit: self._join_ratelimit[chat_id] = [] self._join_ratelimit[chat_id] += [[user_id, round(time.time())]] processed = [] for u, t in self._join_ratelimit[chat_id].copy(): if u in processed or t + 60 < time.time(): self._join_ratelimit[chat_id].remove([u, t]) else: processed += [u] self.set("join_ratelimit", self._join_ratelimit) if len(self._join_ratelimit[chat_id]) >= self.config["join_ratelimit"]: if chat_id in self._ban_ninja: return False self._ban_ninja[chat_id] = ( round(time.time()) + self.config["banninja_cooldown"] ) form = await self.inline.form( self.strings("smart_anti_raid_active").format( ( self.strings("forbid_messages") if self.config["close_on_raid"] else "" ), self.config["join_ratelimit"], ), message=int(chat_id), reply_markup={ "text": self.strings("smart_anti_raid_off"), "callback": self.disable_smart_anti_raid, "args": (chat_id,), }, silent=True, ) if self.config["close_on_raid"]: try: chat = await message.get_chat() self._ban_ninja_default_rights[chat_id] = chat.default_banned_rights await self._client( EditChatDefaultBannedRightsRequest( chat.id, ChatBannedRights( send_messages=True, until_date=2**31 - 1 ), ) ) except Exception: pass self._ban_ninja_forms[chat_id] = form self._ban_ninja_progress[chat_id] = self.config["join_ratelimit"] self._ban_ninja_tasks[chat_id] = asyncio.ensure_future( self._update_ban_ninja(chat_id) ) await ( await self._clnraid( call=( await self.inline.form( self.strings("clnraid_started").format("*loading*"), message=int(chat_id), reply_markup={"text": ".", "action": "close"}, silent=True, ) ), chat_id=int(chat_id), quantity=self.config["join_ratelimit"], ) ).delete() messages = [] users = [] for u, m in self._ban_ninja_messages: if u not in users: if len(users) > self.config["join_ratelimit"]: break users += [u] messages += [m] for m in messages: try: await self.inline.bot.delete_message( int(f"-100{utils.get_chat_id(m)}"), m.id, ) except MessageToDeleteNotFound: pass except MessageCantBeDeleted: await self._promote_bot(utils.get_chat_id(m)) await self.inline.bot.delete_message( int(f"-100{utils.get_chat_id(m)}"), m.id, ) except Exception: await m.delete() try: await self._client.pin_message(int(chat_id), form.form["message_id"]) except Exception: pass return False async def disable_smart_anti_raid(self, call: InlineCall, chat_id: int): chat_id = str(chat_id) if chat_id in self._ban_ninja: del self._ban_ninja[chat_id] if call: await call.edit(self.strings("smart_anti_raid_stopped")) if call: await call.answer("Success") try: await self._client.unpin_message( int(chat_id), self._ban_ninja_forms[str(chat_id)].form["message_id"], ) except Exception: pass if self.config["close_on_raid"]: try: await self._client( EditChatDefaultBannedRightsRequest( int(chat_id), self._ban_ninja_default_rights[chat_id], ) ) del self._ban_ninja_default_rights[chat_id] except Exception: pass await self._client.send_message( int(chat_id), self.strings("banninja_report").format( self._ban_ninja_progress[chat_id] ), ) if chat_id in self._ban_ninja_forms: await self._ban_ninja_forms[chat_id].delete() del self._ban_ninja_forms[chat_id] if chat_id in self._ban_ninja_progress: del self._ban_ninja_progress[chat_id] if chat_id in self._ban_ninja_tasks: self._ban_ninja_tasks[chat_id].cancel() del self._ban_ninja_tasks[chat_id] return await call.answer("Already stopped") @error_handler async def p__antiraid( self, chat_id: typing.Union[str, int], user_id: typing.Union[str, int], user: typing.Union[User, Channel], message: Message, chat: typing.Union[Chat, Channel], ) -> bool: if self.api.should_protect(chat_id, "antiraid") and ( getattr(message, "user_joined", False) or getattr(message, "user_added", False) ): action = self.api.chats[str(chat_id)]["antiraid"][0] if action == "kick": await self._client.send_message( "me", self.strings("antiraid").format( "kicked", user.id, get_full_name(user), utils.escape_html(chat.title), ), ) await self._client.kick_participant(chat_id, user) elif action == "ban": await self._client.send_message( "me", self.strings("antiraid").format( "banned", user.id, get_full_name(user), utils.escape_html(chat.title), ), ) await self.ban(chat, user, 0, "antiraid") elif action == "mute": await self._client.send_message( "me", self.strings("antiraid").format( "muted", user.id, get_full_name(user), utils.escape_html(chat.title), ), ) await self.mute(chat, user, 0, "antiraid") return True return False async def _captcha_invalid( self, call: InlineCall, chat_id: int, user: User, ): if call.from_user.id != user.id: await call.answer("Not for you....") return with contextlib.suppress(KeyError): del self._captcha_db[chat_id][user.id] await call.answer("Sorry โ˜น๏ธ") await self.punish( chat_id, user, "captcha_failed", self.api.chats[str(chat_id)]["captcha"][0], get_full_name(user), fulltime=True, message=None, ) with contextlib.suppress(Exception): await self._captcha_messages[chat_id][user.id].delete() async def _captcha_valid(self, call: InlineCall, chat_id: int, user_id: int): if call.from_user.id != user_id: await call.answer("Not for you....") return if self._captcha_db[chat_id][user_id]["unmute"]: await self._client.edit_permissions( int(chat_id), int(user_id), until_date=0, send_messages=True, ) with contextlib.suppress(KeyError): del self._captcha_db[chat_id][user_id] with contextlib.suppress(Exception): await self._captcha_messages[chat_id][user_id].delete() await call.answer("Welcome!") @error_handler async def p__captcha( self, chat_id: typing.Union[str, int], user_id: typing.Union[str, int], user: typing.Union[User, Channel], message: Message, chat: Chat, ) -> bool: if not ( self.api.should_protect(chat_id, "captcha") and str(chat_id) not in self._ban_ninja and ( getattr(message, "user_joined", False) or getattr(message, "user_added", False) ) ): return False valid = utils.rand(6) invalid = [utils.rand(6) for _ in range(5)] markup = [ { "text": i, "callback": self._captcha_invalid, "args": (chat_id, user), } for i in invalid ] + [ {"text": valid, "callback": self._captcha_valid, "args": (chat_id, user_id)} ] random.shuffle(markup) markup = utils.chunks(markup, 2) unmute = False if not ( await self._client.get_permissions(int(chat_id), int(user_id)) ).is_banned: unmute = True await self.mute(chat, user, 15 * 60, "captcha_processing", silent=True) for _ in range(5): try: m = await self.inline.form( message=(await message.reply("๐Ÿช„ <b>Loading captcha...</b>")), text=self.strings("complete_captcha").format( user.id, get_full_name(user), ), photo=f"https://hikarichat.hikariatama.ru/captcha/{valid}", reply_markup=markup, disable_security=True, ) except WebpageCurlFailedError: await asyncio.sleep(0.5) else: break if chat_id not in self._captcha_db: self._captcha_db[chat_id] = {} if chat_id not in self._captcha_messages: self._captcha_messages[chat_id] = {} self._captcha_db[chat_id][user_id] = { "time": time.time() + 5 * 60, "user": user, "unmute": unmute, } self._captcha_messages[chat_id][user_id] = m self._ban_ninja_messages = [(user_id, m)] + self._ban_ninja_messages @error_handler async def p__cas( self, chat_id: typing.Union[str, int], user_id: typing.Union[str, int], user: typing.Union[User, Channel], message: Message, chat: Chat, ) -> bool: if not ( self.api.should_protect(chat_id, "cas") and str(chat_id) not in self._ban_ninja and ( getattr(message, "user_joined", False) or getattr(message, "user_added", False) ) ): return False return ( self.api.chats[str(chat_id)]["cas"][0] if ( ( await utils.run_sync( requests.get, f"https://api.cas.chat/check?user_id={user_id}", ) ) .json() .get("result", {}) .get("offenses", False) ) else False ) @error_handler async def p__welcome( self, chat_id: typing.Union[str, int], user_id: typing.Union[str, int], user: typing.Union[User, Channel], message: Message, chat: Chat, ) -> bool: if not ( self.api.should_protect(chat_id, "welcome") and str(chat_id) not in self._ban_ninja and ( getattr(message, "user_joined", False) or getattr(message, "user_added", False) ) ): return False m = await self._client.send_message( chat_id, self.api.chats[str(chat_id)]["welcome"][0] .replace("{user}", get_full_name(user)) .replace("{chat}", utils.escape_html(chat.title)) .replace( "{mention}", f'<a href="{utils.get_link(user)}">{get_full_name(user)}</a>', ), reply_to=message.action_message.id, ) self._ban_ninja_messages = [(user_id, m)] + self._ban_ninja_messages return True @error_handler async def p__report( self, chat_id: typing.Union[str, int], user_id: typing.Union[str, int], user: typing.Union[User, Channel], message: Message, ): if not self.api.should_protect(chat_id, "report") or not getattr( message, "reply_to_msg_id", False, ): return reply = await message.get_reply_message() if ( str(user_id) not in self._ratelimit["report"] or self._ratelimit["report"][str(user_id)] < time.time() ) and ( ( message.raw_text.startswith("#report") or message.raw_text.startswith("/report") ) and reply ): fed = await self.find_fed(message) if fed in self.api.feds and reply.sender_id in list( map(int, self.api.feds[fed]["fdef"]) ): await utils.answer(message, self.strings("fdef403").format("report")) return chat = await message.get_chat() reason = ( message.raw_text.split(maxsplit=1)[1] if message.raw_text.count(" ") >= 1 else self.strings("no_reason") ) self.api.request( { "action": "report", "args": { "chat": chat_id, "reason": reason, "link": await utils.get_message_link(reply, chat), "user_link": utils.get_link(user), "user_name": get_full_name(user), "text_thumbnail": (getattr(reply, "raw_text", "") or "")[ :1024 ] or "<media>", }, }, message, ) msg = self.strings("reported").format( utils.get_link(user), get_full_name(user), reason, ) if self._is_inline: m = await self._client.send_message( chat.id, "๐ŸŒ˜ <b>Reporting message to admins...</b>", reply_to=message.reply_to_msg_id, ) await self.inline.form( message=m, text=msg, reply_markup=[ [ { "text": self.strings("btn_mute"), "data": f"m/{chat.id}/{reply.sender_id}#{reply.id}", }, { "text": self.strings("btn_ban"), "data": f"b/{chat.id}/{reply.sender_id}#{reply.id}", }, ], [ { "text": self.strings("btn_fban"), "data": f"fb/{chat.id}/{reply.sender_id}#{reply.id}", }, { "text": self.strings("btn_del"), "data": f"d/{chat.id}/{reply.sender_id}#{reply.id}", }, ], ], silent=True, ) else: await (utils.answer if message else self._client.send_message)( message or chat.id, msg, ) self._ratelimit["report"][str(user_id)] = time.time() + 30 try: await self.inline.bot.delete_message( int(f"-100{chat_id}"), getattr(message, "action_message", message).id, ) except MessageToDeleteNotFound: pass except MessageCantBeDeleted: await self._promote_bot(chat_id) await self.inline.bot.delete_message( int(f"-100{chat_id}"), getattr(message, "action_message", message).id, ) @error_handler async def _promote_bot(self, chat_id: int): try: await self._client( InviteToChannelRequest( int(chat_id), [self.inline.bot_username], ) ) except Exception: logger.warning( "Unable to invite cleaner to chat. Maybe he's already there?" ) try: await self._client( EditAdminRequest( channel=int(chat_id), user_id=self.inline.bot_username, admin_rights=ChatAdminRights(ban_users=True, delete_messages=True), rank="HikariChat", ) ) except Exception: logger.exception("Cleaner promotion failed!") @error_handler async def p__antiflood( self, chat_id: typing.Union[str, int], user_id: typing.Union[str, int], user: typing.Union[User, Channel], message: Message, ) -> typing.Union[bool, str]: if self.api.should_protect(chat_id, "antiflood"): if str(chat_id) not in self._flood_cache: self._flood_cache[str(chat_id)] = {} if str(user_id) not in self._flood_cache[str(chat_id)]: self._flood_cache[str(chat_id)][str(user_id)] = [] for item in self._flood_cache[str(chat_id)][str(user_id)].copy(): if time.time() - item > self.flood_timeout: self._flood_cache[str(chat_id)][str(user_id)].remove(item) self._flood_cache[str(chat_id)][str(user_id)].append( round(time.mktime(message.date.timetuple())) if getattr(message, "date", False) else round(time.time()) ) self.set("flood_cache", self._flood_cache) if ( len(self._flood_cache[str(chat_id)][str(user_id)]) >= self.flood_threshold ): return self.api.chats[str(chat_id)]["antiflood"][0] return False @error_handler async def p__antichannel( self, chat_id: typing.Union[str, int], user_id: typing.Union[str, int], user: typing.Union[User, Channel], message: Message, ) -> bool: if ( self.api.should_protect(chat_id, "antichannel") and getattr(message, "sender_id", 0) < 0 ): await self.ban(chat_id, user_id, 0, "", None, True) try: await self.inline.bot.delete_message(int(f"-100{chat_id}"), message.id) except Exception: await message.delete() return True return False @error_handler async def p__antigif( self, chat_id: typing.Union[str, int], user_id: typing.Union[str, int], user: typing.Union[User, Channel], message: Message, ) -> bool: if self.api.should_protect(chat_id, "antigif"): try: if ( message.media and DocumentAttributeAnimated() in message.media.document.attributes ): await message.delete() return True except Exception: pass return False @error_handler async def p__antispoiler( self, chat_id: typing.Union[str, int], user_id: typing.Union[str, int], user: typing.Union[User, Channel], message: Message, ) -> bool: if self.api.should_protect(chat_id, "antispoiler"): try: if any(isinstance(_, MessageEntitySpoiler) for _ in message.entities): await message.delete() return True except Exception: pass return False @error_handler async def p__antiexplicit( self, chat_id: typing.Union[str, int], user_id: typing.Union[str, int], user: typing.Union[User, Channel], message: Message, ) -> typing.Union[bool, str]: if self.api.should_protect(chat_id, "antiexplicit"): text = getattr(message, "raw_text", "") P = "ะฟะŸnPp" I = "ะธะ˜iI1uะ†ะ˜ฬะ‡ั–ะธฬั—" # noqa: E741 E = "ะตะ•eEะ•ฬะตฬ" D = "ะดะ”dD" Z = "ะทะ—3zZ3" M = "ะผะœmM" U = "ัƒะฃyYuUะฃฬัƒฬ" O = "ะพะžoO0ะžฬะพฬ" # noqa: E741 L = "ะปะ›lL1" A = "ะฐะaAะฬะฐฬ@" N = "ะฝะhH" G = "ะณะ“gG" K = "ะบะškK" R = "ั€ะ pPrR" H = "ั…ะฅxXhH" YI = "ะนะ™yัƒะฃY" YA = "ัะฏะฏฬัฬ" YO = "ั‘ะ" YU = "ัŽะฎะฎฬัŽฬ" B = "ะฑะ‘6bB" T = "ั‚ะขtT1" HS = "ัŠะช" SS = "ัŒะฌ" Y = "ั‹ะซ" occurrences = re.findall( rf"""\b[0-9]*(\w*[{P}][{I}{E}][{Z}][{D}]\w*|(?:[^{I}{U}\s]+|{N}{I})?(?<!ัั‚ั€ะฐ)[{H}][{U}][{YI}{E}{YA}{YO}{I}{L}{YU}](?!ะธะณ)\w*|\w*[{B}][{L}](?:[{YA}]+[{D}{T}]?|[{I}]+[{D}{T}]+|[{I}]+[{A}]+)(?!ั…)\w*|(?:\w*[{YI}{U}{E}{A}{O}{HS}{SS}{Y}{YA}][{E}{YO}{YA}{I}][{B}{P}](?!ั‹\b|ะพะป)\w*|[{E}{YO}][{B}]\w*|[{I}][{B}][{A}]\w+|[{YI}][{O}][{B}{P}]\w*)|\w*(?:[{P}][{I}{E}][{D}][{A}{O}{E}]?[{R}](?!ะพ)\w*|[{P}][{E}][{D}][{E}{I}]?[{G}{K}])|\w*[{Z}][{A}{O}][{L}][{U}][{P}]\w*|\w*[{M}][{A}][{N}][{D}][{A}{O}]\w*|\w*[{G}][{O}{A}][{N}][{D}][{O}][{N}]\w*)""", text, ) occurrences = [ word for word in occurrences if all( excl not in word for excl in self.api.variables["censor_exclusions"] ) ] if occurrences: return self.api.chats[str(chat_id)]["antiexplicit"][0] return False @error_handler async def p__antinsfw( self, chat_id: typing.Union[str, int], user_id: typing.Union[str, int], user: typing.Union[User, Channel], message: Message, ) -> typing.Union[bool, str]: if not self.api.should_protect(chat_id, "antinsfw"): return False media = False if getattr(message, "sticker", False): media = message.sticker elif getattr(message, "media", False): media = message.media if not media: return False photo = io.BytesIO() await self._client.download_media(message.media, photo) photo.seek(0) if imghdr.what(photo) not in self.api.variables["image_types"]: return False response = await self.api.nsfw(photo) if response != "nsfw": return False todel = [] async for _ in self._client.iter_messages( message.peer_id, reverse=True, offset_id=message.id - 1, ): todel += [_] if _.sender_id != message.sender_id: break await self._client.delete_messages( message.peer_id, message_ids=todel, revoke=True, ) return self.api.chats[str(chat_id)]["antinsfw"][0] @error_handler async def p__antitagall( self, chat_id: typing.Union[str, int], user_id: typing.Union[str, int], user: typing.Union[User, Channel], message: Message, ) -> typing.Union[bool, str]: return ( self.api.chats[str(chat_id)]["antitagall"][0] if self.api.should_protect(chat_id, "antitagall") and getattr(message, "text", False) and message.text.count("tg://user?id=") >= 5 else False ) @error_handler async def p__antihelp( self, chat_id: typing.Union[str, int], user_id: typing.Union[str, int], user: typing.Union[User, Channel], message: Message, ) -> bool: if not self.api.should_protect(chat_id, "antihelp") or not getattr( message, "text", False ): return False search = message.text if "@" in search: search = search[: search.find("@")] if ( not search.split() or search.split()[0][1:] not in self.api.variables["blocked_commands"] ): return False await message.delete() return True @error_handler async def p__antiarab( self, chat_id: typing.Union[str, int], user_id: typing.Union[str, int], user: typing.Union[User, Channel], message: Message, ) -> typing.Union[bool, str]: return ( self.api.chats[str(chat_id)]["antiarab"][0] if ( self.api.should_protect(chat_id, "antiarab") and ( getattr(message, "user_joined", False) or getattr(message, "user_added", False) ) and ( len(re.findall("[\u4e00-\u9fff]+", get_full_name(user))) != 0 or len(re.findall("[\u0621-\u064a]+", get_full_name(user))) != 0 ) ) else False ) @error_handler async def p__antizalgo( self, chat_id: typing.Union[str, int], user_id: typing.Union[str, int], user: typing.Union[User, Channel], message: Message, ) -> typing.Union[bool, str]: return ( self.api.chats[str(chat_id)]["antizalgo"][0] if ( self.api.should_protect(chat_id, "antizalgo") and len( re.findall( "[\u200f\u200e\u0300-\u0361\u0316-\u0362\u0334-\u0338\u0363-\u036f\u3164\ud83d\udd07\u0020\u00a0\u2000-\u2009\u200a\u2028\u205f\u1160\ufff4]", get_full_name(user), ) ) / len(get_full_name(user)) >= 0.6 ) else False ) @error_handler async def p__bnd( self, chat_id: typing.Union[str, int], user_id: typing.Union[str, int], user: typing.Union[User, Channel], message: Message, ) -> typing.Union[bool, str]: if not self.api.should_protect(chat_id, "bnd"): return False if ( self.get("bnd_cache", {}).get(str(chat_id), {}).get(str(user_id), 0) >= time.time() ): return False try: assert ( ( await self.inline.bot.get_chat_member( int(f"-100{chat_id}"), int(user_id), ) ).status ) not in {"left", "kicked"} except Exception: return self.api.chats[str(chat_id)]["bnd"][0] else: bnd_cache = self.get("bnd_cache", {}) bnd_cache.setdefault(str(chat_id), {}).update( {str(user_id): round(time.time()) + 60} ) self.set("bnd_cache", bnd_cache) return False @error_handler async def p__antistick( self, chat_id: typing.Union[str, int], user_id: typing.Union[str, int], user: typing.Union[User, Channel], message: Message, ) -> typing.Union[bool, str]: if not self.api.should_protect(chat_id, "antistick") or not ( getattr(message, "sticker", False) or getattr(message, "media", False) and isinstance(message.media, MessageMediaUnsupported) ): return False sender = user.id if sender not in self._sticks_ratelimit: self._sticks_ratelimit[sender] = [] self._sticks_ratelimit[sender] += [round(time.time())] for timing in self._sticks_ratelimit[sender].copy(): if time.time() - timing > 60: self._sticks_ratelimit[sender].remove(timing) if len(self._sticks_ratelimit[sender]) > self._sticks_limit: return self.api.chats[str(chat_id)]["antistick"][0] @error_handler async def p__antilagsticks( self, chat_id: typing.Union[str, int], user_id: typing.Union[str, int], user: typing.Union[User, Channel], message: Message, ) -> typing.Union[bool, str]: res = ( self.api.should_protect(chat_id, "antilagsticks") and getattr(message, "sticker", False) and getattr(message.sticker, "id", False) in self.api.variables["destructive_sticks"] ) if res: await message.delete() return res @error_handler async def watcher(self, message: Message): self._global_queue += [message] @error_handler async def _global_queue_handler(self): while True: while self._global_queue: await self._global_queue_handler_process(self._global_queue.pop(0)) for chat_id, info in self._captcha_db.copy().items(): for user_id, captcha in info.copy().items(): if captcha["time"] < time.time(): del self._captcha_db[chat_id][user_id] await self.punish( chat_id, captcha["user"], "captcha_timeout", self.api.chats[str(chat_id)]["captcha"][0], get_full_name(captcha["user"]), fulltime=True, message=None, ) with contextlib.suppress(Exception): await self._captcha_messages[chat_id][user_id].delete() for message, deletion_ts in self._delete_soon.copy(): if deletion_ts < time.time(): with contextlib.suppress(Exception): await message.delete() with contextlib.suppress(Exception): self._delete_soon.remove((message, deletion_ts)) await asyncio.sleep(0.01) @error_handler async def _global_queue_handler_process(self, message: Message): if not isinstance(getattr(message, "chat", 0), (Chat, Channel)): return chat_id = utils.get_chat_id(message) if ( isinstance(getattr(message, "chat", 0), Channel) and not getattr(message, "megagroup", False) and int(chat_id) in reverse_dict(self._linked_channels) ): actual_chat = str(reverse_dict(self._linked_channels)[int(chat_id)]) await self.p__antiservice(actual_chat, message) return await self.p__antiservice(chat_id, message) try: user_id = ( getattr(message, "sender_id", False) or message.action_message.action.users[0] ) except Exception: try: user_id = message.action_message.action.from_id.user_id except Exception: try: user_id = message.from_id.user_id except Exception: try: user_id = message.action_message.from_id.user_id except Exception: try: user_id = message.action.from_user.id except Exception: try: user_id = (await message.get_user()).id except Exception: logger.debug( f"Can't extract entity from event {type(message)}" ) return user_id = ( int(str(user_id)[4:]) if str(user_id).startswith("-100") else int(user_id) ) if await self.p__banninja(chat_id, user_id, message): return fed = await self.find_fed(message) if fed in self.api.feds: if ( getattr(message, "raw_text", False) and ( str(user_id) not in self._ratelimit["notes"] or self._ratelimit["notes"][str(user_id)] < time.time() ) and not message.raw_text.startswith(self.get_prefix()) ): logger.debug("Checking message for notes...") if message.raw_text.lower().strip() in ["#ะทะฐะผะตั‚ะบะธ", "#notes", "/notes"]: self._ratelimit["notes"][str(user_id)] = time.time() + 3 if any( str(note["creator"]) == str(self._tg_id) for _, note in self.api.feds[fed]["notes"].items() ): await self.fnotescmd( await message.reply( f"<code>{self.get_prefix()}fnotes</code>" ), True, ) for note, note_info in self.api.feds[fed]["notes"].items(): if str(note_info["creator"]) != str(self._tg_id): continue if note.lower() in message.raw_text.lower(): txt = note_info["text"] self._ratelimit["notes"][str(user_id)] = time.time() + 3 if not txt.startswith("@inline"): await utils.answer(message, txt) break txt = "\n".join(txt.splitlines()[1:]) buttons = [] button_re = r"\[(.+)\]\((https?://.*)\)" txt_r = [] for line in txt.splitlines(): if re.match(button_re, re.sub(r"<.*?>", "", line).strip()): match = re.search( button_re, re.sub(r"<.*?>", "", line).strip() ) buttons += [ [{"text": match.group(1), "url": match.group(2)}] ] else: txt_r += [line] if not buttons: await utils.answer(message, txt) break await self.inline.form( message=message, text="\n".join(txt_r), reply_markup=buttons, silent=True, ) if int(user_id) in ( list(map(int, self.api.feds[fed]["fdef"])) + list(self._linked_channels.values()) ): return if str(chat_id) not in self.api.chats or not self.api.chats[str(chat_id)]: return try: user = await self._client.get_entity(user_id) except ValueError: return chat = await message.get_chat() user_name = get_full_name(user) args = (chat_id, user_id, user, message) await self.p__report(*args) try: if ( await self._client.get_perms_cached(chat_id, message.sender_id) ).is_admin: return except Exception: pass if await self.p__antiraid(*args, chat): return cas_result = False if self.api.should_protect(chat_id, "cas"): cas_result = await self.p__cas(*args, chat) if cas_result: await self.punish( chat_id, user, "cas", cas_result, user_name, message=message, ) return r = await self.p__antiarab(*args) if r: await self.punish( chat_id, user, "arabic_nickname", r, user_name, message=message, ) return if await self.p__welcome(*args, chat) and not self.api.should_protect( chat_id, "captcha", ): return if await self.p__captcha(*args, chat): return if getattr(message, "action", ""): return await self.p__report(*args) r = await self.p__bnd(*args) if r: await self.punish(chat_id, user, "bnd", r, user_name, message=message) return r = await self.p__antiflood(*args) if r: await self.punish(chat_id, user, "flood", r, user_name, message=message) return if await self.p__antichannel(*args): return r = await self.p__antizalgo(*args) if r: await self.punish(chat_id, user, "zalgo", r, user_name, message=message) return if await self.p__antigif(*args): return r = await self.p__antilagsticks(*args) if r: await self.punish( chat_id, user, "destructive_stick", "ban", user_name, message=message ) return r = await self.p__antistick(*args) if r: await self.punish(chat_id, user, "stick", r, user_name, message=message) return if await self.p__antispoiler(*args): return r = await self.p__antiexplicit(*args) if r: await self.punish(chat_id, user, "explicit", r, user_name, message=message) return r = await self.p__antinsfw(*args) if r: await self.punish( chat_id, user, "nsfw_content", r, user_name, message=message, ) return r = await self.p__antitagall(*args) if r: await self.punish(chat_id, user, "tagall", r, user_name, message=message) return await self.p__antihelp(*args) async def client_ready( self, client: "CustomTelegramClient", # type: ignore db: "hikka.database.Database", # type: ignore ): """Entry point""" global api self._is_inline = self.inline.init_complete self._sticks_limit = 7 self._join_ratelimit = self.get("join_ratelimit", {}) self._flood_cache = self.get("flood_cache", {}) self.api = api await api.init(client, db, self) for protection in self.api.variables["protections"]: setattr(self, f"{protection}cmd", self.protection_template(protection)) # We can override class docstings because of abc meta self.__doc__ = ( "Advanced chat admin toolkit\nNow became free...\n\n๐Ÿ’ป Developer:" " t.me/hikariatama\n๐Ÿ“ฃ" " Downloaded from: @hikarimods\n\n" + f"๐Ÿ“ฆVersion: {version}\n" + ("๐Ÿ—ƒ Local" if not self.api._inited else "โญ๏ธ Full") ) self._pt_task = asyncio.ensure_future(self._global_queue_handler()) if PIL_AVAILABLE: asyncio.ensure_future(self._download_font()) async def _download_font(self): self.font = ( await utils.run_sync( requests.get, "https://github.com/hikariatama/assets/raw/master/EversonMono.ttf", ) ).content