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# █ █ ▀ █▄▀ ▄▀█ █▀█ ▀ # █▀█ █ █ █ █▀█ █▀▄ █ # © Copyright 2022 # https://t.me/hikariatama # # 🔒 Licensed under the GNU AGPLv3 # 🌐 https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html # meta pic: https://img.icons8.com/external-vitaliy-gorbachev-flat-vitaly-gorbachev/464/000000/external-sad-social-media-vitaliy-gorbachev-flat-vitaly-gorbachev.png # meta banner: https://mods.hikariatama.ru/badges/emotionless.jpg # meta developer: @hikarimods # scope: hikka_only # scope: hikka_min 1.6.3 import logging import time from typing import NamedTuple, Optional from hikkatl.tl.functions.messages import ReadReactionsRequest from hikkatl.tl.types import Message, UpdateMessageReactions from .. import loader, utils logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class Entry(NamedTuple): """Entry for reaction queue""" chat: int schedule: float top_msg_id: Optional[int] = None @loader.tds class EmotionlessMod(loader.Module): """Automatically reads reactions""" strings = { "name": "Emotionless", "state": ( "<emoji document_id=5314591660192046611>😑</emoji> <b>Emotionless mode is" " now {}</b>" ), "on": "on", "off": "off", } strings_ru = { "state": ( "<emoji document_id=5314591660192046611>😑</emoji> <b>Режим без реакций" " {}</b>" ), "on": "включен", "off": "выключен", "_cls_doc": "Автоматически читает реакции", } strings_de = { "state": ( "<emoji document_id=5314591660192046611>😑</emoji> <b>Emotionless-Modus" " ist jetzt {}</b>" ), "on": "ein", "off": "aus", "_cls_doc": "Liest automatisch Reaktionen", } strings_uz = { "state": ( "<emoji document_id=5314591660192046611>😑</emoji> <b>Emotionless rejimi" " {}</b>" ), "on": "yoqilgan", "off": "o'chirilgan", "_cls_doc": "Avtomatik ravishda reaksiyalarni o'qiydi", } strings_tr = { "state": ( "<emoji document_id=5314591660192046611>😑</emoji> <b>Emotionless modu" " {}</b>" ), "on": "açık", "off": "kapalı", "_cls_doc": "Otomatik olarak tepkileri okur", } def __init__(self): self._queue = [] self._flood_protect = [] self._flood_protect_sample = 60 self._threshold = 10 @loader.command( ru_doc="Переключить авточтение реакций", de_doc="Schaltet das automatische Lesen von Reaktionen um", tr_doc="Otomatik tepki okumayı aç/kapa", uz_doc="Avtomatik reaksiya o'qishni yoqish/ochish", ) async def noreacts(self, message: Message): """Toggle reactions auto-reader""" state = not self.get("state", False) self.set("state", state) await utils.answer( message, self.strings("state").format(self.strings("on" if state else "off")), ) @loader.loop(interval=3, autostart=True) async def _queue_handler(self): if not self._queue: return chat, schedule, top_msg_id = self._queue[0] if schedule > time.time(): return self._queue.pop(0) await self._client(ReadReactionsRequest(chat, top_msg_id)) logger.debug( "Read reactions in queued peer %s, top_msg_id %s", chat, top_msg_id, ) @loader.raw_handler(UpdateMessageReactions) async def _handler(self, update: UpdateMessageReactions): if ( not self.get("state", False) or not hasattr(update, "reactions") or not hasattr(update.reactions, "recent_reactions") or not isinstance(update.reactions.recent_reactions, (list, set, tuple)) or not any(i.unread for i in update.reactions.recent_reactions) ): return self._flood_protect = list( filter(lambda x: x > time.time(), self._flood_protect) ) chat = next( getattr(update.peer, attribute) for attribute in {"channel_id", "chat_id", "user_id"} if hasattr(update.peer, attribute) ) if len(self._flood_protect) > self._threshold: self._queue.append( Entry( chat=chat, schedule=self._flood_protect[0], top_msg_id=update.top_msg_id, ) ) logger.debug("Flood protect triggered, chat %s added to queue", update) return self._flood_protect += [int(time.time()) + self._flood_protect_sample] await self._client(ReadReactionsRequest(update.peer, update.top_msg_id)) logger.debug( "Read reaction in %s, top_msg_id %s", update.peer, update.top_msg_id )